
Will to Power

Let me make and control the nation’s money and I do not care who governs. Mayer Amschel Rothschild At a time when rulers enjoyed absolute power over his subjects, as was that of monarchies, the solution found by the bankers to keep their money and head for kings began to turn to them for money to finance his wars, was to finance the two rivals, the opponent is discreetly financed. They also demanded some immediate real share of power in the form of titles of nobility, land or public affairs. This dual strategy was always the advantage of ensuring the return of money and keep the head in his post.It was the hallmark of certain families of bankers, including the present one, who in the nineteenth century adopted a cosmopolitan pose an outreach and an exaggerated interest in taking over the debts of individual governments, so that became known the as’ international bankers. ” Simultaneously to Mayer Amschel became rich thanks to his strong will, wit and lack of scruples, Adam Weishaupt founded the order of” The perfectibility, “otherwise known as the Illuminati. Mayer Amschel soon realized that they both wanted the same, change the status quo into a format that favored but should act behind the scenes, the Illuminati had already been officially destroyed in 1784 and its members were dismissed in hiding at the time Mayer Amschel in which he gathered them together at his home in Frankfurt in 1786, being the main object of the meeting to analyze the significant new approaches to the French Revolution.Some years later the deputy and member of the Public Health Committee of the National Assembly Joseph Cambron, recalled that after 1789 “the great revolution hit everywhere except the financiers.” masterstroke During the Napoleonic Wars , the Rothschilds supported equally Bonaparte and Wellington, but the masterstroke they made following the battle of Waterloo. One was a privileged spectator of this battle and once said that Mars was smiling to England and Prussia, bursting galloped successive frames, paid a fortune to cross the Channel and then continued its gallop to London where in the British stock market was desperate to sell shares at any price. Other brokers, knowing the value of the information handled by Rothschild, interpreted that Napoleon had won the battle, so that panic gripped the market fell to lows not seen.A small group of Rothschild agents bought anonymously for the actions of the British war debt to be sold at a miserable price. From this point of inflection, the Rothschilds did nothing but increase his power until he was unrivaled in Europe and began a new challenge for them, the conquest of America. The Prophet A German Romantic poet and secret member of the Carbonari, published on July 12, 1842 text stranger with an air of prophecy in the journal Franz sische Zustand, in Hamburg in which he warned that “communism has not yet appeared but that appears to be powerful and fearless and selfless … as thought is identified with the dictatorship of the proletariat “and” although he now speaks very little … will be the dark hero who is a grand but temporary reserve role in the modern tragedy. Just awaiting the order to enter the scene.Also predicted “the war between France and Prussia, which is just the first act of great drama, the prologue. The second act will be the European, universal revolution, the great sorrow of the dispossessed against the aristocracy of property. So no more talk of nation or religion. Only there will be a homeland, Earth. And one faith, happiness on earth “because” there maybe just a shepherd and one flock, one shepherd free with a staff of iron, and a human herd and bleating sheared uniformly. It was Heinrich Heine, the nephew of Salomon Heine in Hamburg banker, who made these predictions, which foresaw the advent of communism, the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 and globalization, and first used the term dictatorship of the proletariat, then appropriate by Lenin.Thanks to Heine, Marx managed to take refuge in England when he was fleeing persecution by the Prussian and French police and, thanks to Heine, found refuge in the house of Rothschild in London, where protection had also found a mason before British deal the seat of the UK prime minister, Benjamin Disraeli. For the reader who is not started on the plan to install the New World Order (and whose first step is globalization) the previous content can be of purely anecdotal.



Horizontal Strategy: A strategy used by a corporation that seeks to sell a type of product in numerous markets. To reach this market coverage, creating a multitude of subsidiaries. Each markets the product for a market segment or to a different area.This is what is called horizontal integration of marketing. Horizontal integration of production occurs when a company has plants in different locations producing similar products. It is much more common horizontal integration in marketing, which in production. Example: The Gap Inc., sales corporation in textiles is a good example of a business that practices horizontal integration. GAP Inc. holds three different companies, Banana Republic, Old Navy and Gap brand itself. Each company has stores that sell clothes designed to meet the needs of different groups. Banana Republic sells apparel with a more expensive high-end image, GAP stores sell moderately priced clothing that target men and women of all ages and Old Navy sells cheap clothes specially geared to children and youth, including in the other ages. Using these three companies, GAP Inc.has been very successful with a good range of retail segment in the textile sector.


In September,

In September, my companion Adrian Massanet will offer us a study on the career of Terrence Malick, and preparing for this I reviewed ‘The thin red line’ ( ‘The Thin Red Line’, 1998), which as you know, competed directly with ‘Saving Private Ryan’ ( ‘Saving Private Ryan, Steven Spielberg) this year, both at the box office as a prize. In both cases I am under Spielberg’s masterpiece, to which it seemed that the only two may be included within the genre of film Belize, for the habit of labeling everything.


The beginnings of

The beginnings of Philadelphia The Treaty of Penn with the Indians. This poster represents the signing of a peace treaty between the natives and William Penn, in Shackmaxon. Before the arrival of the English, nearly 20,000 Native American Lenape, belonging to the Algonquin nation, inhabited the Delaware Valley and Shackmaxon settlement. The Delaware Valley exploration began in the early seventeenth century. The first settlers claimed all along the river and tried to expand its influence by creating an agricultural settlement and fur trade to avoid the French and British traders. The first Swedish expion to North America embarked from the port of Gothenburg in 1637. It was organized and planned by Clas Fleming, a Swedish Admiral from Finland. Part of this colony, called New Sweden, included territories on the west coast of the Delaware River to just below the Schuylkill River, in other words, New Jersey, the current Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, southeast Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland.The New Sweden, founded in 1638, was annexed to New Netherland in 1655. Finally, the region went to British rule in 1674. In 1681, King Charles II of England granted a permission letter to William Penn in exchange for the cancellation of a debt the government owed to his father. In this paper, the Pennsylvania colony was officially founded. William Penn (1644-1718) was an English Quaker: he belonged to a dissident religious group suffering persecution in England, which rejected the hierarchy and proclaimed equality, tolerance and nonviolence. Thus, Pennsylvania quickly became a haven for all who were oppressed by confessing this faith. William Penn sailed from England to America in 1682 and founded the city of Philadelphia. He ensured that this would serve as a port city and political center.Although Charles II and had given him the land, William Penn bought the land to its rightful owners also Amerindians to establish peaceful relations with them. Apparently, he signed a treaty of friendship with Lenape chief Tamanend in Shackmaxon in 1682. Elfreth’s Alley, Philadelphia desde1713 inhabited street was designed as a flat checkerboard, the oldest in the United States, with wide streets and five parks. But above all, Willliam Penn wanted to make this city a city of God, guaranteeing freedom of worship. The city’s name in Greek ( “brotherly love”), reflected this ambition. By the time William Penn returned to England in 1699 after an absence of fifteen, he found a much larger city that was located just behind Boston for its population.Many European immigrants, English, Dutch, French Protestants, had indeed arrived, attracted by the prosperity of the city and its religious tolerance. A first group of Germans settled in 1683 in the current neighborhood of Germantown. Willliam Penn gave a letter to the city on October 25, 1701 in order to create local institutions: a city hall, council and an assembly. In the second half of the eighteenth century, Philadelphia had become the most populous city of the Thirteen Colonies (14,000 inhabitants in 1780) beating Boston. He likewise disputed the position of Dublin’s second city of the British Empire.


What is a

What is a budget is a plan of action to meet a target, and values expressed in financial terms, to be performed in particular time and under certain conditions laid down, this concept applies to each responsibility center organization. Functions of budgets 1. The main function of the budget relates to the financial control of the organization. 2. Budgetary control is the process of discovering what is being done by comparing the results with budgeted data corresponding to verify or counteract the gains. 3. Budgets can play both preventive and corrective roles within the organization. Importance of Budgets are budgets useful in most organizations: Utilitarians (business companies), non-utilitarian (government agencies), large (multinational conglomerates) and small businesses. 1.Budgets are important because they help minimize the risk in the operations of the organization. 2. Through the budget remains the operational plan of the company within reasonable limits. 3. They serve as a mechanism for reviewing policies and corporate strategies and directions for what they truly seek. 4. Quantified in financial terms the various components of its overall plan of action. 5. The budget lines serve as guides for the implementation of personnel programs in a certain period of time, and serve as a standard of comparison once you have completed the plans and programs. 6. The procedures induce advisory specialists think the total needs of the companies, and to engage in planning so that they can be assigned to various components and the necessary importance alternatives 7. The budgets are means of communication between units at one level and vertically between executives from one level to another.A network of budget estimates are filtered up through successive levels for further analysis. 8. The gaps, duplications or positions can be detected and treated at the time that managers observe their behavior in relation to the development of the budget.