LETRAS DEL MAR FOUNDATION A sea I go, my deeds say who I am. SEAMEN Refran cast off ARMADA: OFFICER AND ENGINEER By Manuel Maestro Director Al binomial “official and gentleman ‘, popularized by the movie of the same title by a young Richard Gere living the vicissitudes of American youth at a naval academy, now joins the new ‘official and engineer’, which for many seems to us the claim of another film, directed by the Minister Carmen Chacon, with a dash recently ended its partnership agreement to subscribe BIG poster 1892 (Archivo Municipal de Huelva, Diaz Hachero Fund.)
The popularly known as “Columbus” is a holiday in Andalusia atypical because unlike in most major festivals of every village they do not have a religious root, as the mayor of the city in 1999 .
‘We celebrate these holidays on August 3 to commemorate because no Virgin or no pattern. Here is the story recounts the departure of the caravels of Columbus discovered 507 years ago. “
Mayor Pedro Rodriguez.
Thus, although the religious celebrations in the city dating to the seventeenth century when the months of September events were held and a pilgrimage in honor of the patron saint of the city, the Virgen de la Cinta in the late nineteenth century, began born in the area looking for a sense that recognition of province of Huelva in the so-called Gesta Colombina four centuries ago. So institutions that appeared intended to highlight the Columbian sites for the 1892 close date for the Celebration of the IV Centenary of the Discovery of America. In the wake of these cultural movements originated in 1880 with the celebrations a group of citizens and especially the then newly created Real Sociedad Colombina Onubense, to recover the idea of Civil Governor Mariano Alonso and castle in 1855 had planned a similar observance.
The first edition of the Festival Columbus was an immediate success in the city and the nearby town of Palos de la Frontera, with the assistance of the August 3 Maritimo captain general of the Department of Cadiz, Luis Hernandez Pinzon, co-descendant of the continent American Martin Alonso Pinzon and the presence of different boats of the Spanish navy. In the Monastery of La Rabida gathered more than 15,000 spectators as a “landing” of the Spanish navy and the fireworks that were launched at night. From this first edition will encourage parties with clear character sailor.
Despite competition with the Festival of the tape in the city, this celebration was introduced quickly. In those early years included the celebrations of Mass bell, literary contests, visits to La Rabida and traditional sporting competitions. It is from 1925, and when the Circulo Mercantil assembles its stand when it starts to take place on a massive scale at the dock in the city. Then begin to multiply elements of the classic Andalusian fairs: booths, attractions, tombolas or spaces for dancing.
After the IV Centenary of the show was gaining in popularity among the population onubense, especially from the 1920s, moving gradually to the traditional festival of the tape.
The importance of the holidays at that time is evident in the description of them is in the local press, including the 1924 Columbian:
‘Every day there is more animated by these patriotic celebrations, which far exceed the celebrations in previous years. “
On the special lighting for the holidays:
‘In the short walk from the pier were placed vistosisimos arches, as well as rides in the Las Palmeras and Spa, which will look for the first time this kind of enlightenment, which starts to be held in all fairness to the general public. ‘
The presence of the Spanish navy along these days:
‘ ‘ Is expected to be anchored in our harbor several ships of the navy, for which the governor Marchena Colombo, president of the Columbian, has received a letter from General Department of the Navy, announcing that he will Huelva as many ships as circumstances permit. “
For the celebration of institutional August 3, commemorating the departure of Christopher Columbus in the port of Palos de la Frontera.
‘As usual, the day three, the authorities in Huelva and partners come to the Colombina La Rabida, where he held a Mass commemorating the heard by Columbus and his intrepid accompanying before leaving the port of Palos. Daily ‘The Province’. July 30, 1924. “
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