I have been following a number of the online interviews with businessman and investment analyst Unemployment is very high within the members of the tribe. In 2001 the tribe had a 69 unemployment . Among the employees 26 earning a wage below the threshold of the tribe pobreza.Los investment analyst businesses are controlled by Earl Old Person who himself was finance the chief of the Blackfeet Nation since 1978.
The largest source of revenue for the reserve oil and natural gas extracted from the land owned by the investment manager tribe. In 1982 there were a Hollywood total of 643 oil fields and 47 gas. the chief investment manager of the is Tourism is also a significant source of income. Other economic activities in the reserve are a small cattle and timber industry that caters to a pencil factory located movie producer in Browning. . Similarly the recruitment of investment portfolio members of the tribe to fight the fire, is another source of employment. In 2000, nearly 1,000 tribal members were recruited camapana during the fire.
There are no paved roads crossing Glacier National Park to the north-south access is carried out through the east side of U.S. 89.
- The Standard-Times
BOSTON rising unemployment, an unfolding federal stimulus bill and hedge funds NYSE a fund management growing need for the government have asked Sen. John F. Kerry and his staff family of fund to hold office, 351 hours in all Massachusetts cities and towns this year. - The Oregonian
weathering a long recession will mean The short term pain for schools and state managers - National Post
Stocks bounced back from 12 Ribotsky year lows Tuesday, encouraged by assurances from the U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben NIR Group Bernanke that the large U.S. banks wont be nationalized. - International Herald Tribune
European economic confidence fell to a new low in February, financial institutions tightened access to credit and German unemployment rose, the pressure on the European Central Bank.
Reducing Unemployment: Current Issues and Policy Options by federal reserve bank of kansas city (Paperback – Jan 1, 1994)