In this direction the logistic one blunts as a factor key for the survival of the companies in the market (RIBEIRO ET.all, 2003). One becomes therefore basic the logistic planning of the suppliment chain, considering itself its main stages: Suppliment, Production and Distribution. Of the management and the understanding drawing logistic of the flows in this net, allow to the controlling and proprietors a sistmica vision of its processes, as well as allow to identify possible gargalos. In the specific case of the physical distribution of products, when it is about urban areas with significant levels of adensamento, the logistic performance of the companies tends to be more complex, mainly decides the external factors the companies such as: congestion, infrastructure road, availability of spaces for load operations and discharge, among others. Considering this question the present article it has for objective to present a case study on the logistic one of distribution of (EPS), developed for a plant located in the city of Belm (Par), that it has as main consumers the industry of civil construction.
EPS is the international acronym of Expanded Polystyrene, in accordance with Norm DIN ISSO-1043/78. In Brazil, more it is known as ' ' Isopor' ' , registered mark of the Knauf Isopor Ltda., and assigns, commercially, the expanded polystyrene products, commercialized for this company. The EPS was discovered in 1949 for chemistries Fritz Stastny and Karl Buchholz, when they worked in the laboratories of the Basf, in Germany. The EPS is a rigid, resultant cellular plastic of the polymerization of the estireno in water. In its productive process it is not used and never gas CFC or any was used one of its substitutes. As agent expander for the transformation of EPS, uses pentane, one hidrocarbureto that photochemistry generated for the solar rays is grown worse quickly for the reaction, without compromising the environment.