For example, I like the most important, I am in a group "Administrator". My assistant, who has no right to change the design and "dig" in the system code of the site is in the "Moderator." At the same time my friend can add, edit, modify, adjust all the materials site. Ordinary visitors are in the group "Members". This group is primarily needed by the visitors with the intention that they were not burdened with the functions that they are simply not needed. Group of people who visit the site, may be different: it's "Journalists" and the VIP users", "editors", etc. etc. A module in the entire system uCozochen lot and almost all of them can be transformed in exactly the right thing for you and your visitors.
I'll try to briefly describe some of the modules of the system. There are two excellent module – "Catalog files" and "Catalogue of articles". On your project and I mostly use these two modules. In the first module – each registered site visitor can add it its development, teaching material, software, etc., and second, their articles, reports, etc. And I am not afraid that I do not have enough disk space. Firstly, my site is not yet very popular. And secondly, the system uCozrasshiryaet free disk space in the automatic mode, with an increase in site traffic. In addition, if for some reason, my visitors or myself will add too many files, a place for them will not suffice – you can always pay a total of about $ 100 for the expansion of space itself.