Flames and Ramirez, in an article written for Digital Freedom accusing the Bank of Spain: the Bank of Spain, despite be the body responsible for monitoring the risks of the entities, looked away for a long time. Political influences prevented the Bank of Spain was in flames and Ramirez, a critical discourse on the situation in the pre-election period. To broaden your perception, visit Peter Asaro . The worst thing about the situation is given by revelation half of what is happening in the Spanish banking sector. He does not inform which entities are seriously affected by investments in the real estate sector not doing something else which lead to confusion among investors who punished the roles of all entities before the difficulty to differentiate them clearly. And if ud were in the skin of the ahorrista Spanish that has all your money in a bank that is in a good situation but cannot ud know it by the lack of information would maintain the savings that cost him a lifetime in that entity? Undoubtedly not. At least I would not. The reckless attitude of the Bank of Spain generates potential risks of bank runs, forcing an unwelcome anticipatory attitude of the sector. Already in the month of September, according to Cinco Dias, publishes credits the families remained frozen, while loans to businesses fell 2% in interannual terms.
The greater uncertainty that the views of the Bank of Spain generated in the banking sector, probably deepen the negative effect on credit system generation. The crisis is generating costs for the economy through the problems of the banking sector. As it has happened in all countries, this crisis will end it paying the poor taxpayer, also in Spain. In fact, in Spain there is a plan of rescue of financial institutions designed by the Government and known as the Fund’s Bank orderly restructuring (FROB), which has funded nearly 40,000 million euros to banks to date 15 September, through guarantees from the State to the debt issued by banks and savings banks.