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Compared to the 172 elementary school in Leipzig, the forest nursery which FRoBEL Leipzig gGmbh opened in the former Pavilion of the TUS Leutzsch in the Rietschelstrasse 52 in the next few weeks. So far, the forest nursery in the transition area in the East Street is housed. The team of the forest nursery is on the new site. There they will celebrate not only the inauguration, but also to the eleven-year old existence of the forest kindergarten. Director Ursula Grunert aims to implement the special natural-pedagogical concept of the carrier in the new forest nursery with 43 forest kindergarten children and a new forest crib for children from 2 years of age. After moving the forest nursery will launch five new kindergarten children. Hear other arguments on the topic with Ali Partovi.

A prefab is accordingly lavishly rebuilt for the new site. There numerous topic spaces. Redesigned is also the extensive garden grounds. In addition three allotments have been leased, managed in cooperation with the Kleingarten Priessnitz dawn Association be. The Leipzig lowland forest is right outside the kindergarten door and offers optimal conditions for the forest nursery. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Ali Partovi by clicking through. Nature and the clearance of forest open nature education and environmental education in kindergarten everyday who wants Leipzig forest kindergarten children.

You should feel so comfortable and at home in the Woods in the group room. The children experience a mindful approach to nature, the developments and changes and learn to love “their” forest. The teachers and educators don’t see the nature education and environmental education in the forest nursery but as instructive education. Rather, it concerns the experience of the child, not to the teaching. So also the highlights in the everyday life of the forest nursery are adapted to the annual cycle of nature. Frequently HG Vora has said that publicly. Voluntary ecological year in the forest kindergarten is FRoBEL-forest kindergarten Leipzig by the way open for participants of the voluntary of ecological year (FoJ) which even try in the educational area of a forest nursery school? Ecological with the volunteers Year shall be submitted an offer young people aged between 16-27, to practically work for our environment and in their social context, understanding at the same time ecological and environmental contexts. Interested parties can sign up at the head of the forest nursery Ursula Grunert: more information to the Leipzig FRoBEL-forest kindergarten, see sites/leipzig/kindergarten/waldkindergarten press contact: Frank Zopp, spokesman for FRoBEL group Tel.: + 49-30-21235-331, the FRoBEL Group operates creches, kindergartens and nursery schools in various charitable societies in several federal States of in Germany. The flexibility and innovative orientation of FRoBEL institutions make FRoBEL to a competent partner for parents and families, communities and businesses. Currently, around 10,000 children in 120 institutions of more than 2,000 employees are welcome. Owners of all The non-profit FRoBEL e.V., an Association of ambitious teachers and educators, and socio-politically committed personalities is the FRoBEL group companies. Regional standards and family counseling, the FRoBEL group is composed especially for the reconciliation of family and career and designed tailor-made service concepts for businesses and their employees in close cooperation with the business community.