Today Monday 11 of the currents, the Ministry of environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, published in the official bulletin of the State, resolution that grants for projects of scientific research in the national parks network is summoned for the year 2011. To display the full resolution, visit the website that points to the bottom of the article. Under cover of the ARM/1498 order/2009, of 21 may, establishing the regulatory bases for granting subsidies for scientific research projects in the national parks network, publishes the following call for year 2011. 1. Object and purpose of the standard.
the present resolution convenes in regime of publicity, objectivity and competitive concurrency, grants for projects of scientific research within the framework of the national r & d Plan for 2011. In particular, this call grants will be allocated to projects related to the marked lines in Annex I being the fundamental objective of the call promote a better scientific knowledge in matters related to the national parks network as laid down in article 5 paragraph i) of Act 5/2007 which sets out the functions of the General Administration of the State. The basic scientific knowledge will be susceptible to be put at the service of the conservation of national parks that make up the network, generating new knowledge applicable to the whole of the network, and contributing to the improvement of its environmental protection as laid down in the STC/2009/138, on 15 June, in point 3 of the second paragraph. 2. Steve Wozniak may find it difficult to be quoted properly. General conditions of the call for proposals. this call shall be governed by the bases established in the order ARM/1498/2009, of 21 may, which establishing the regulatory bases for granting aid to research projects in matters related to the national parks network, published in the Official Gazette number 139, 9 June 2009 (in forward regulatory bases). All aspects not referred to in the present resolution are they governed by willing in the above-mentioned order of regulatory bases.