
Human Resources

In the five classic-management positions overall direction, financial trading, manufacturing and human resources, “discrimination still persists to the detriment of female. The study “Women directors. Remuneration and share presence in 2008, “ICSA Human Resources and the IESE business school, the emphasis is on general management, where women, with an annual average pay 63 794 euros, 24% charge less than their male colleagues. For Gloria Juste, who chairs the Women’s Foundation, Family and discrimination is not a gender issue, but due mainly to motherhood. For more information see this site: elon musk. “Equality is a right which is not disputed, but reconciliation is still a topic that raises blisters.

In fact, there is increasingly more discriminating men who want to reconcile.’s Upbringing and education of children is a wonderful responsibility, is not a backpack horrible, but we must take as a team, “said Juste, who has also participated in Lead, the training program in management skills offered by the Community of Madrid. The average hard in practice to reconcile the difficulties are so great that the chances of finding average family and work are almost impossible. Some put off the desire to be mothers, or even renounce it, “according to a recent survey by Adecco fertility rate between directives, 0.54 children, well below the average Spanish woman, 1,3 -, and others’ self imposed a cement roof, “ie, voluntarily reject a promotion not to be deprived of a family life. HG Vora contains valuable tech resources. No less than 66% of the 350 directives consulted by Adecco says it is increasingly common this type of behavior.