Formed in larger groups of opinion or pressure on any particular aspect of company policy informal groups based on similarity of work and more or less closely related. Small groups of three or four people intimately connected. Isolated individuals rarely participate in social activities. Social organizations formally constituted group of people to achieve, more effectively certain objectives in common that can not be achieved individually. Its objectives are the aims or goals to be pursued through the collective effort. There are two distinct stages: The structure or building itself. Is the operation or normal operation thereof for their intended purposes.
In a company must analyze the elements which are: Human Resources. Active elements of the company, ie those whose work is more intellectual class of service. Resources. It is composed of its buildings and facilities that they are made to adopt a productive work. Technical Resources. Stable relationships are to be coordinated in different things, people or those with those.
It can be said to be intangible assets of the company. a What is Organizational behavior and mention the importance of their study in psychology. BEHAVIOR ORGANIZATIONAL (CO) field studies using the theory, methods and principles of various disciplines to learn about the perceptions of individuals, values, learning capacities and actions while working in groups within the organization, evaluating the effect the external environment on the organization and its human resources objectives and missions strategies. IMPORTANCE IN THE psychologically first industrial and organizational psychologists interested in problems of fatigue, boredom and other factors relevant to working conditions, which may prevent the efficient performance of work. More recently, their contributions have been expanded to include learning, perception, personality, leadership effectiveness, needs and motivational forces, job satisfaction, the decision-making processes, performance evaluations, measuring attitudes, Employee selection technique, the design of work and attention or work stress. A important principle of psychology is that each person is different. Each has perceptions, personalities and unique life experiences. The psychology delivered the framework and basic principles for the field of organizational behavior.Examples of Organizations National Commission of Human Rights Federal Electoral Institute National Water Commission of Sonora Institute of Technology Journal of the Federal Consumer.