Infomed Draft 2.0 Infomed 2.0 is the name that summarizes the proposed move to a new development stage of the network that relies on the collective work of its members. The name comes inspired by the Web 2.0 concept, which is identified with the set of technological, organizational and cultural challenges that are occurring on the Internet and particularly on the Web. Since its inception Infomed was conceived and developed under the concept of a decentralized model of collective construction of which is illustrated by the development of the nodes in all provinces, the creation of territorial domains, developing Web sites and pages at all levels , supported the incorporation of users and the large production of content and services even at a time when there were no blogs, wikis and other developments today are summarized in the idea of Web 2.0. The development of proprietary network of sites is an example of this kind and the existence of pages of professionals and groups are important antecedents of today is to be developed.Therefore, Infomed aims to create an ecosystem of people, services and information sources for health products and services supported by information, communication and collaboration of excellence, focusing on our customers and built with their active participation. This is the opportunities it will provide a variety of technological tools and ways of operating in the network that will mean a change of quality in highlighting the increasing simplification of how to access to technologies and the growing importance the role of people and their ways of working in teams and in groups. Although pending investments in infrastructure and communications, these are problems to be resolved in the short to medium term. However, the most important challenge is the human resource side. It is proposed to begin to design, implement and support services aligned with the philosophy Infomed 2.0. The patterns are a base, a reference and not a scheme.Each person who used must help create or generate new patterns, to continuously improve existing ones and use feedback with practice.