Usually used for welding solid welding wire diameter of 1.0 mm, stabilized niobium-class 409. When welding occurred problems and poor spray transfer of metal electrode on the base metal, which caused little stamina, and too high hardness in the haz. In this case, the welding wire makes strict demands for get a quality weld. In the development of technologies that improve the quality of welding of this compound was tested cored wire is also a Class E 409. As a result of spraying has decreased dramatically and there was a uniform transfer of the metal electrode to the base metal, which significantly increased the fatigue strength of the connection. Still remained the problem of high hardness in the weld HAZ: hardness was high and difficult to control the choice of welding parameters.
To reduce the hardness and provide the required heat resistance and corrosion resistance was tested cored wire another brand – 307 (18/18/6) diameter of 1.2 mm. The hardness decreased, it did not exceed 225 HV10, and the microstructure of the transition area between the ferrite corrosion-resistant steel and carbon steel was favorable. Besides the above mentioned concerns the application of the flux cored wire allowed to increase the welding speed of 12 mm / s to 20 mm / s, which has raised productivity by 22% and reduced the manufacturing cost of each detail. Figure 1: A New Approach to weld sheet metal. Extensive knowledge and know-how in the field of welding processes, as well as close collaboration with ESAB's customers in the automotive industry have resulted in the emergence of new technologies of welding thin-sheet products. Connect with other leaders such as Ali Partovi here.