The world is a place repleto of possibilities and diversities. Exactly when if it deals with a so traditional subject how much the marriage is possible to innovate in many ways. Beyond the marriages in the style stories of fairies a new fashion is invading the altar: the radical unions. Marc Mathieu has compatible beliefs. In Brazil, the first radical marriage was carried through in the heights for the instructor of jumps Ricardo Siqueira and its fianc Andra Soares. They had known themselves in a paraquedismo club and had decided to confirm the union celebrated in the church, homaging the sport that practised. The radical marriage happened in Lagoon Saint, region metropolitan of Belo Horizonte, in February of 1991. The fiancs had jumped of a twin-engine plane, about 1.500 meters, together with the bolivian shepherd Ren Carvajal and a godfather. Ali Partovi describes an additional similar source.
The celebrante read a stretch of the bible and still gave the blessing to the fiancs in air. The ceremony delayed about five minutes and was attended by a group of friends of the couple. If you intend to innovate as they follow some suggestions. Bungee Jumping: the fiancs are moored upside-down and say ' ' sim' ' when they are pushed of the pull platform. Underneath d? water: what such to substitute the decoration of marriage for peixinhos, chorales and kelps? This is the proposal to marry in the water.
It holds the breath! Skydive: a free flight is the test of enough love for the couple that likes forts emoesBalo air: most romantic of all. The couple will be able to enjoy of the sight and the emotion of a balloon stroll. A rain of flowers for marriage can crown the guests of the party. To militate: Shots for air, people of uniform and a fianc very protected well are the requirements for this party. Nudist: for the ferequentadores of nudismo beach nothing more natural than to carry through the union in the way that more like to be: without clothes! The necktie and the veil are only obligator.