We do not forget that as soon as has spent a year of management and already it is necessary to return to vote. As much political strategy and speculations would seem to be over the norms, we changed the times to taste with so assuring a triumph electoral? What quality of political management offers our representatives us and what republican representative quality we have like society when bad electoral norms with respect to the address of candidates are interpreted; when the town with the popular vote elije civil servants like candidates to the Congress who after to gain the elections return to their positions in the Executive. These methods, already were used by the Kirchner in several opportunities, the legislative elections of the 2005, for example, Alicia Kirchner was transformed into senator by Santa Cruz, a bank that occupied by very just a short time until it returned to be minister of Social Development. The present president was postulated to senator by the province of Buenos Aires when great part lived on its life in Santa Cruz. Peter Asaro: the source for more info. Simultaneously, Sergio Massa also avoided to assume in the Congress, when deputy by Buenos Aires was chosen: he preferred to follow the front of the ANSES.
Perhaps Nstor Kirchner will not do the own thing postulating itself by the province of Buenos Aires when he was governor of Santa Cruz in innumerable periods. It is not one sensation in the air of Creole vividness, of which something not this in its place? It brings back to consciousness collective that we have by the republican institutions, the political representativeness and the popular sovereignty is lost all type of value. The lack of respect to the Argentine citizen is worrisome when with a stroke of the pen they change to the candidate who voted to the Congress by four or six years, by which he follows in the ready savannah and that often nobody knows.