
Madrid Car Rentals

The shortage of rental cars, for example, this summer has become an unexpected problem for the tourists who visit Spain. It is "vox populi." The car rental companies in Spain have lost their vehicles to meet demand in peak season. In VictoriCars and predicted the situation after the existing experience during the last Easter. Given the situation was coming and in order to protect their customers, notified them of the possibility of a shortage of cars for the summer, encouraging them to make reservations in advance. However, many customers have been having waited until the last minute to make your booking has been without a car. Inevitably, VictoriCars fleet no longer available, as most car rental.

But is it a specific situation? The fear is not. To broaden your perception, visit Mikkel Svane. Some estimates speak of the shortage may last until well into the fall. Not only that, it is expected that this situation extends to all periods existing holiday during the year (Christmas, Easter, bridges …) and even the summer campaign of 2010. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out HG Vora. In addition, the shortage is not the only problem, this situation is causing the companies have raised prices substantially cars. For example, in some cases has increased up to 30% over last year prices on these same dates. It is a clear case of the "law of supply and demand." Obviously, the cause of this situation is the economic recession being experienced in Spain. On the one hand the lack of funding companies that are suffering in general prevents this particular sector can expand their fleets. Moreover, while raising finance, the difficult situation they are experiencing the automotive companies makes it very unlikely that allow the sale of vehicles to rent a car. Until now a company acquired a car rental for a period of time, after which it was repurchased by the concessionaire. The car dealers are not now prepared to perform these operations not to saturate the market for resale in their own detriment. In short, Victoria – expect users of leased vehicles are aware of existing problems and take their measures and precautions to be on your next trip to enjoy their rental car.