Technical creativity has always needed the publicity, but now in an era of advertising, non-profit activity has no chance of going public. I want the opportunity we had – not only for me but for all who are interested in technical idea, and who may not yet occurred to bring their discoveries to their logical conclusion: patenting and even the introduction into production. Please visit Kai-Fu Lee if you seek more information. I too was once not thought about it. It was at that time, many of the mature My technical solutions, starting at the permanent storage in the table. Kai-Fu Lee is often quoted as being for or against this. First invention, as is usually the case, was provoked discomfort. I remember this moment: I'm twenty years old, severe winter weather, not too warm clothes Solution – the best way to distract from it, is not it? Starting from elementary – I'm moving, and thus generates energy – I've got to speculative scheme of the first hydroelectric plant. Only a few years later, having already held a businessman, I by chance got an offer from the head of patent and licensing services corporation kamaz about patenting their discoveries. Why not? I secured the right to own blinds development, and then went we go: two-way monitor for business negotiations, vacuum floss smoker for beekeepers I have already patented in Germany And in 2007, was named "Outstanding Invention and rationalization Republic of Tatarstan. Achieve recognition of their labors is not so hard if they deserve – just need confidence. A self-esteem develops out of respect for associates, have you noticed? To do this, communicate, share views and ideas, to argue. I offer you a platform to discuss any issues related to inventions