Although to be possible utilizardispositivos of filtering and regulation that guarantee the quality of the alimentaoelectrica, these devices do not allow to decide imperfections in the deenergia supplying. The units of alimentaoininterrupta (UPS) are armed systems of batteries capable to produce energiaelectrica during some time. For maintenance of the operacionaldurante equipment drawn out misfeeds it is necessary to foresee still ainstalao of electric generators with fuel I eliminate, controlled pelUPS. A UPS without generator always electricotem a capacity very limited and later or more they are bateriasesgotam early. If not to exist ' ' software' ' of control that efectue oencerramento of the systems (' ' shutdown' '), the only effect is one to postpone doproblema. The alimentaoelctrica imperfections also afectam all the net devices that assure ascomunicaes (' ' gateways' ' ; ' ' routers' ' ; ' ' bridges' ' ; commutators and repeaters), also these devices must be armed deUPS, in the majority of the cases it is not necessary to proceed to any closing, noentanto is adjusted the existence of ' ' software' ' of capable control to denotificar the administrators so that they are taken measured before them bateriasse to deplete.
The installation of UPSpara is habitual to assure the stability of the servers, while the forgotten ranks of trabalhoso. This type of situation is acceptable when the applications soexecutadas in the servers, if the case will not be this the data that estoarmazenados in the central memory of the work rank lose-seirremediavelmente. Natural catastrophes of diverse fenomenostais types Adjust this classroom to it as: fires; floodings; storms; sismos; etc. We can minimize asconsequncias of this type of events keeping security copies (' ' backup' s' ') actualizados possible, stored numlocal physically distant of the original. Beyond the importance of existirum physical removal between copy and original, is distinguished despite the copies desegurana contain many times confidential information for what the seumanuseamento has of being careful.