
Udea Reflections

The ISP s begin to consider a situation that has created great commotion throughout the network and which is presumed to be something that goes to pecorino for quite some time, and not only here in our country but around the world. The question is, should the Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and others pay a fee to the Internet service providers? The unstoppable growth of the Internet and their content requires a large investment in infrastructure and the ISP understand that this expense should not be borne only by them but also by those who use them for your business, i.e., the content providers. So far seems a reasonable claim, but the answer is not much. The question is quite espinosa since if you ever adopted the remedy might be worse than the disease and that the door would be opened to a possible network control by the ISP s leaving users without the best thing that has given us Internet total freedom of choice. And is that if the situation which we propose, would be who tells us that our Internet provider does not? He would sign an agreement with a search engine, for example, giving all the bandwidth you need and leaving others in inferiority thus making its performance isn’t everything optimal it you need by what would lose customers?. Not would be facing a total lack of free competition?, since large providers does not lack money but, and those who want to start from scratch?. It is clear that this is a problem of great weight and that will define the future Internet so in one form or another will have to walk with feet of lead and will require a thorough study by the States. How would all this?, time will tell us.