
Adaptation Nursery

Almost all working parents, the question arises about the child's adaptation to kindergarten. After all, mom (or dad) need to go to work, and my grandmother (or grandfather) is still working, or can not sit all the time with her grandchildren. How can make Your child can safely be postponed as a period of adaptation in pre-school? Well, when you know exactly what your child is in municipal or departmental garden. Then since 1 year and may be even earlier, we must attend to the child developing sessions, where groups of 5-6 children. During these 1.5 years before the 'big' kindergarten child will understand and learn the basics of basic communication in the team. He sees that the boys behave differently, someone cries, someone selects toys, someone likes to draw, and someone likes to dance. For children from 1.5 years a group of part-time. Here, the kids leave for half a day.

Most often in the first half, before lunch. Having a child in such a group, you teach him to get up early, because reception children is carried out with 8.30 or 9.00 am. In such groups there is always developing classes and walks. Your child will get an idea of interacting with children and adults in the absence of a teacher mother. And then, after dinner, mother comes and takes away her child. And they have the whole day together. For those kids who can not get into the municipal garden, there are several options for the child's adaptation to the team.

As a rule, private mini-gardens are developing classes. When you choose a garden, which would give your child, you can negotiate with management to attend only those classes for the first time. Your baby will get used to the room for the boys to caregivers. And it will be much easier to stay later in the garden without a mother. After class, you can stay with the kid play a game with the kids for 20-30 minutes, or go along with them for a walk.



As soon as your time – take a pen and paper and write a whole list of urgent matters, you should ALWAYS make the current change. Next to each task write about how much it will take time to implement it. During the execution of their duties, when you have free time, come back to this list, select the task, and put a reminder in accordance with the selected time. If you perform a task on time was not possible, or go to the next task, and this delay on the next working day, or move to another day one or more other problems untouched. Your goal is to make sure that you are physically fit into the length of his shift, and it does not perenabiraete yourself unnecessary problems. Here is such a nehitromudry approach to time management help you be more organized, and thus leave work early and run in it anymore.

Go ahead. How to deal with distractions? For a good concentration, you need to do one thing at one time unit. Therefore, for efficient use of your time, try to avoid conversations with the staff during what you do as a responsible task. When you are distracted by conversations, you really lose a lot of time, because you need to switch attention to the fact that you were told to answer the interlocutor, to take the time to return to his attention, and that all seconds that turn into minutes, and it is not surprising – you lose 1-2 hours its time to repay and when outstay.