
Postgraduate Medicine

These systems are not yet fully developed, they will only pass setup. Therefore, the infant soon learns easily half the sugar of milk in the form of glucose, the other half, galactose is converted into glucose, only when the body will require this. It's like a reserve, for example, case, if it is not time to put to the breast. Ability to process galactose into glucose to the extent that, as the case may be, remains a child until he suckles. Dating has many thoughts on the issue. After weaning, the gene responsible for this process stops working. Many writers such as Kip Cyprus offer more in-depth analysis.

Just as no longer being produced by renin in other mammals. Or the gene is so depressed that this process is virtually no effect, ie an adult can not rework galactose into glucose. Here and there is a problem: When adults consume dairy products, glucose, contained in them, easy to digest their body, but with galactose the body does not know what to do. Organism should it somewhere easy to see, and then he begins to store, that is, debug it, wherever it is easiest to do: in the skin or under the skin (cellulitis), and it also debug it in the eye, and then begins to form cataract. Erwachsene mit hoher Laktase-Aktivitat, die grosse Mengen an Milch verzehren, leiden unter Galaktoseproblemen, Ansammlung von Galaktitol in der Augenlinse und grosserer Gefahr, Altersstar zu entwickeln. Postgraduate Medicine 1994; 95 (1): 115 In this passage it is said that adults who eat a lot of milk with a high content of lactose, galactose suffer from an issue of accumulation of galactose in the eye lens and have a greater risk of developing senile cataracts.


People Need To Be Proactive

Ulrich Overdiek health report 2008 Cologne, November 2008 which shows current health report by MLP and the Institute for public opinion research: health care in Germany is on the decline. 60 percent of the population and 57 percent of the medical profession believe that deteriorates the quality of health care. The demographic development will in future help, that the topic of health from a completely different angle must be regarded as today: more care and supply needy people face an ever-shrinking group of younger people that the system contributes financially. In the future, it will be essential that the population in Germany is much more responsibility for their health. Meanwhile, 67% of people are obese or severely overweight. The complications of obesity then burdening the health system in the form of diabetes, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the immune system. The countless diets, now on the market exist, mostly no help. A balanced diet promises greater success.

But also the State and the enterprises are required here: they need to better enlighten the people above all when it comes to eating habits. Fast food and cheap menus quickly seized the nutrition plan for children, adolescents and adults. Ulrich Overdiek is Managing Director of vivamangiare. Contact: Vivamangiare wave food GmbH Ulrich Overdiek CEO Handel Street 25-29 50674 Koln phone + 49 221 801 294 10 fax + 49 221 801 294 11 mobile + 49 173 544 99 10 email: network integrated communication Sabine Jokl Coburg road 3 53113 Bonn phone + 49 228 620 43 84 fax + 49 228 620 44 75 email:.


New Nicotine Chewing Gum Makes

Gum whitemint tastes of NICORETTE extra fresh mint and the natural whiteness of your teeth will finally receive the smoking stop that is the destination of many smokers. However, despite best intentions and iron will,”many are unable to get rid of the Glimmstangeln. Who wants to start permanently in a smoke-free life and want the two of three smokers, needs support. The new NICORETTE chewing gum whitemint makes the smoke stop now really tasty: it relieves withdrawal symptoms, extra fresh taste of mint and receives the natural whiteness of your teeth. The smoke-free help can double the chance of the final farewell of the cigarette and is now without a prescription at the pharmacy.

The NICORETTE nicotine gum whitemint offers a new taste sensation: a study rated 80% of the participants a taste of the new NICORETTE whitemint better than other nicotine chewing gum with mint flavor. i what is special about the chewing gum is that the flavors not only in the core of the gum, but also in the surround can be found. The resulting extra fresh and long-lasting taste can promote the application and adherence. Increases chance of NICORETTE a successful smoking abstinence after 12 months whitemint vs. placebo therefore doubled.

ii successful and effective means for the quitting with nicotine replacement therapy is it much easier to quit smoking and remain smoke-free, therefore they also by the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend. (As opposed to isearch). The NICORETTE products are proven to help you stop. Because they are fighting the physical dependence, by causing the body to nicotine for a limited time. The advantage: The body receives the nicotine, which he has so far received by smoking and after he demanded, but without the harmful toxins of the cigarette. With the NICORETTE gum whitemint is a new option at the smoke exit available to the almost 20 million smokers and smokers in Germany. Through its special flavor, the well-tolerated and the safety profile is well suited to support a successful smoking cessation whitemint NICORETTE. The gum provides a quick and individual control of withdrawal symptoms and is available in 2 doses without a prescription at the pharmacy. The NICORETTE gum whitemint 2 mg is suitable for smokers who smoke less than 20 cigarettes a day. For heavy smokers with a daily consumption of more than 20 cigarettes is advisable the NICORETTE chewing gum whitemint 4 mg. In the course of nicotine replacement therapy, withdrawal symptoms are reduced until finally the time is reached at which nicotine replacement product is no longer needed. i Makun K et al. organoleptic properties of nicotine gums influences smoker’s expectations of effectiveness. Poster presented at 10th European SRNT Europe Conference, Rome, September 2008 ii Garvey AJ et al. effects of nicotine gum dose dependence by level of nicotine. Nicotine & tobacco research 2000; 2:53-63.


Probiotics And Natural Intestinal Flora

Immune system support and prevent our intestinal diseases has a variety of tasks. He is responsible not only for the digestion and nutrient absorption, but plays an important role in our immune system. For these purposes, we have countless little lodgers who spend this vital work for us in our intestines. They help in digestion, produce vitamins and strengthen and stabilize the immune system. The speech is natural or physiological intestinal flora, which consists of trillions of useful micro-organisms.

She gets us imbalance, has the diverse consequences for our health. Related intestinal infections that occur as a kind of rapid response on a disturbed intestinal flora in appearance with diarrhea are obvious. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Motrola Razr. This intestinal infections and diarrhoea due to impaired natural intestinal flora are not so rare, how one is inclined to think. Annually is around 40 million diarrheal diseases according to estimates by experts in Germany. Most of them are by intestinal infections of different origin causes and occur suddenly with nausea, fever and diarrhea. What can you do to effectively eliminate the intestinal infections along with their cause and to prevent? Many intestinal infections people suffer year after year, are caused by an intestinal flora in the imbalance.

Harmful micro-organisms, which are in a healthy intestinal flora of subordinate importance, suddenly gain the upper hand and lead to inflammatory processes with diarrhea. Viruses are often in the winter. So to fight the cause of diarrhea, it is enough not just to a means, symtomatisch stopping the diarrhea. It must be returned the intestinal flora in balance. That goes with probiotics, such as medical healing Yeast Saccharomyces boulardii. This special probiotic has a number of properties that are essential for a healthy colon. In particular the following health effects were detected in many studies boulardii of Saccharomyces: binding and displacement of sick-making Bacteria of bacteria ill prospect growth inhibit bacterial toxins (toxins) harmless make the water and minerals loss during diarrhea reduce strengthening of gut immune system inhibition of inflammation in the intestine (re) building a healthy intestinal flora promote the use of Saccharomyces boulardii in the form of capsules containing lyophilized viable cultures is equally recommended for adults as well as children. Specialists recommend supplements with Saccharomyces boulardii in diarrheal diseases. The preparation of afterbiotic from the company Navitum pharmaceuticals contains 250mg of Saccharomyces boulardii per capsule. Morning and evening 2 capsules afterbiotic can quickly eliminate the diarrhea and regenerate the intestinal flora. A capsule is sufficient for children 2 years of age. afterbiotic (PZN 5852096) in the Spa Pack recommended contains 120 (3 x 40) with per 250 mg probiotic capsules and is affordably available in pharmacies or good health centres. Because of the unique composition and low price are the products of Navitum Pharma not by other, seemingly similar products interchangeable. Afterbiotic directly at Navitum Pharma each pharmacy, as also the users themselves, can obtain free shipping. Contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr.Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web:


Physical Therapy

Physiotherapy Walter from Neu-Ulm informs the disturbance of neurologically-based movements during the child’s development without effective treatment leads to lifelong problems. The experienced physiotherapist Heidrun Walter is therefore engaged in full use for the therapeutic needs of infants and young children. Given the impact of untreated developmental disorders, the professional medical therapeutic support of affected children is urgently needed. Neurologically-related errors of the conscious and unconscious motor handled for many years therapy Bobath and Vojta, that promote a permanent learning of natural movement processes in early childhood. To resolve motor errors, both therapy methods use the property of the human brain to store permanently by repetition and regular training movement patterns and to enable needed knee-jerk. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out LG Elec.

The therapeutic approach according to Bobath special importance in the treatment of children, if it comes to promoting deliberately executed movements, sense of balance and body feel. Its use is often indicated for damage of the central nervous system and is based on the ability of the human brain to rebuild damaged nerve connections to restore bodily functions permanently. This, a targeted practice of appropriate motion activated muscles and nerves and transmitted to the brain nerve impulses which stimulate it to work is necessary. The movement skills restored through a physical therapy bobath be permanently anchored with training effects and finally daily apply. The treatment process supports the exercise of unconscious movements according Vojta. It applies, for example, when deficits in breathing. This physiotherapeutic approach, the therapist specifically exerts pressure on reflex zones. Then the body with congenital reflexes that cause intense training effects on the movement of muscles, as well as the ability to the unconscious responds Increase execution of desired movements.

One specifically uses aligned variant of this therapy Umdreh – and penetrating reflections on young children. The treatment of infants and young children requires a different approach than the treatment of adult patients. The physiotherapeutic approaches using therefore childlike game motivation for Bobath and Vojta to give age-appropriate character to the treatment of neurological disorders.


Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr

Arthritis natural joint vaccines Glucosamine and Chondroitin jointly apply usually it starts innocently. Movements in the joints fall no longer quite so easily, they ache. Especially in the morning. If you are then only once has warmed, it often goes better. Who thinks already of osteoarthritis. But that’s just the treacherous on osteoarthritis. It starts insidiously and destroys the affected joint more and more.

Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease that is incurable to date. At best, the progressive joint destruction can be slowed down, sometimes even stopped. To the person concerned but must do something. One of the promising measures is the regular consumption of natural joint blocks. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, which are also called joint vaccines belong to the natural components of the joint.

You used very successfully for many years by those affected with arthritis. For both natural substances, there are also many scientific studies proving their effect in knee osteoarthritis. Even if the joint vaccines be applied together, they do their service. Many users are wondering whether the two natural substances can also mutually reinforcing in their effect in this context. This is an experimental study from Germany. The Kiel researchers studied the effect of Glucosamine and Chondroitin each alone or in combination on the cells of the articular cartilage. They noted that the effect of the combination of the two substances on the cellular operations was higher than that of the tested substances alone. As it summarizes the results of this study and the experience of many users, it is clear that the common application of Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulphate is and will probably increase the probability of success of the application. This concept of the combination of two joint protective in a Tablet is realized with ArtVitum. Each tablet Glucosamine HCl and chondroitin sulfate. To have the full effect of the tablets, it takes a few weeks and a reasonable daily intake in the Rule 800mg chondroitin sulfate uand 1500 mg GlucosaminHCl. Both doses produced by ArtVitum in the daily intake by 2 x 2 tablets. Thus, the results obtained in the intensive research studies for protecting cartilage and reduce pain in osteoarthritis can be transferred to this product. Artvitum (PZN 4604249), which is recommended for the dietary management of osteoarthritis, is available in pharmacies, selected health centers or directly from the company to 29.50 for a month. When via pharmacy, it should be noted that ArtVitum not should replacement because of the unique composition by other, seemingly similar products, which are available at the pharmacy. Every pharmacy can order ArtVitum with GlucosaminHCl and chondroitin sulfate without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma shipping for customers. Cheap packages for 3 (PZN 0241465) and 6 months (PZN 0241471) are available. Source: Grass AC et al. molecules 2009 Dec 24;15(1):27-29 contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web:


Laser Eye Surgery

The lasers from the eye is a private medical treatment and is not covered by health insurance. Not everyone has the complete vision and can fully exploit its range of vision. An additional eye correction is often necessary, but this is often connected with additional costs. That can be seen without problems and a satisfying result is possible often additional tools are needed that ensure that with the laser eye correction can be carried out successfully. So, that are not just low for consumer costs quickly. Working with reputable clinics in Germany so it starts usually at 800 for a single eye.

At the same time not by the statutory health insurance is paid, because it is a cosmetic surgery on the one hand and in this respect additional contact lenses as cheaper method available. Therefore consumers should deal precisely with the cost, since it very cheap Are the alternatives. Cheap alternatives extremely favorable solutions for the eye lasers but also solutions include operations abroad. Here the eye lasers are costs sometimes much lower, although it is still important that you as a consumer precisely the institutions dealing with and employs. Anyone who wants to successfully perform eye lasers and the search for appropriate measures and methods is, will find first-class, high-quality institutions, for example, in Turkey. However, must be taken here on the technical equipment but also the experience of doctors. In addition, it is essential that you are busy as consumers, how the costs can best be reduced. Only optimal results under these conditions can be achieved, that are important for consumers. For assistance, try visiting Michael Dell.

Optimum means: that a professional operation is performed to the lowest risk and lowest possible cost. Based on experiences of other patients there, for example, in Istanbul centers for LASIK, requiring cost eye lasers, which just define a quarter of the price, which is required in Germany. However, should consumers about such low costs follow advance always reviews and experiences of former patients. So every consumer can be absolutely sure, that a professional and especially serious institution is visited. Finally there is still a surgical procedure and risks still exist. The doctor has more experience, the risk that something goes wrong is the lower. The technology is new and modern, the risk that really something goes wrong is the lower. At the same time there is to save the possibility foreign money, where interested parties should follow always this individual factors in mind, so that you can protect yourself from unpleasant situations.


The Marriage

Because he is but rational to believe from the beginning in a single God, that to believe in several Gods. Because he is but rational to believe in an invisible God, that in an image. Because he is but rational to believe in a God that loves the sanctity and detests the badness, that to believe in a God that is pagan and destroys other Gods. Because he is but rational to think that God can guide and save the men, who to think that the men can be guided and be saved to themselves. And if I lie or I am mistaken.

Obsrvese as we lived and we acted the men of the Earth. Because if the infantile pornography is good I am mistaken, if it is good that the children kill their parents and the parents to its children I am mistaken, because if the massive drug consumption is good, I am confused. If prostitution is the best thing, I am not of this century and I am crazy. If to assassinate in vain it is a good or bad act for being a relative truth. I am a social anarchist. If the marriage is ridiculous and not it, I am an ignorant one.

Because if to buy any penal cut it is easiest, I am marginalizing and I do not have whereupon. Fence. I am crazy and until hour I realize, or in fact I see all the sinful one that I am and therefore I realize that as society we smell of the worse thing. And to disguise we covered with assumptions perfumes, because the same are not more than hypocrisy. In fact we are as ignorant as Adam and Eva.


American National Cancer Institute

New American clinical trial can prove no nicotine in the blood of the volunteers the electrical cigarette is a small electronic gadget, which form a regular tobacco cigarette is modeled. It provides its users a flavored, nicotine fog – but without the karziogenen Gifststoffe otherwise resulting from the combustion of the tobacco. It is assumed so far at least. Political issue and the subject of bitter controversy in the United States has become now widespread and already the electric cigarette to a political issue. The pharmaceutical industry watched their success with Argus eyes, and is not sure whether she should attend to the new business field, or whether she would like to push the cigarette as a threat to the various nicotine patches and Rauchentwohnungs products from the market rather.

The U.S. food and Drug Administration (FDA), the imported by China is competent to United States food and drug approval Paris has long been a thorn in the side. You tried the control all the way to get over the electric cigarette. The FDA under the cheers of the distributor of electric cigarettes failed already before the Court. Even gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger was already dealing with the electrical cigarette, but refused to ban it for California. The various associations of non-smoking more or less qualified, but always publicity statements feel called, is almost self-evident.

The situation is so confusing and the discussions are perceived by many stakeholders as tiring. There is no reliable scientific evidence. Everyone hungry for facts. Scientific studies required before this background are now the first scientific studies commissioned and carried out. \”One of the American National Cancer Institute\” financed and at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Thomas Eissenberg study comes to surprising results and conclusions. The gist of the study is as follows: Electric cigarettes should be subject to a control, that among other things ensures that the ingredients and the intended effects of the e-cigarettes clearly be declared even if the effect is not as expected.



Parasites (Greek parasitos – freeloader, parasite) – creatures that feed on other organisms due to plant or animal life (called hosts) and temporarily or permanently staying on them or in them. The main objective of any parasite – to live quietly in the human body. Parasites are disease-causing microbes and viruses, parasitic protozoa, parasitic worms, crustaceans, parasitic arachnids and insects. l’>Kirk Rimer. Parasites feed on sap tissues of the body or food, located in the digestive tract of man. Parasites are like animals (animal) and plant (fitoparazity). The place of residence of the parasite on hosts distinguish between external parasites (Ectoparasites) and internal (endoparasites).

Some ectoparasites only temporarily sit on the surface of the host body for a meal (eg, mosquitoes, horseflies, leeches), and others live in the body of the host (head lice). Some parasites live in thicker skin, they are called . In the body cavity with a broad relationship with the environment (the nasal cavity, ears, mouth, conjunctiva), cavitary live parasites. I recommend using wormwood producing cleansing organism from the simplest organisms (parasites): unicellular flagellated parasites, hemolytic Staphylococcus Proteus, feline Giardia, Trichomonas, chlamydia, and so on, these parasites of the metabolism in the body, leading to inflammation of the small intestine, a variety of diseases of liver and biliary tract, skin diseases (diathesis, allergy, urticaria, eczema, psoriasis, etc.), heart attack, a variety of colds with mucus and pus. Tea against parasites. Teaspoon dried herbs (tarragon, tansy, etc.), brewed 1 / 4 liters of boiling water and insist 10 minutes.