

What is the creatine? , How I must take creatine? , Which are the indirect effect of the creatine? , Which is the best creatine? Unless you finish arriving from another planet, you must know that when is supplements to strengthen those of muscles, the creatine is with greater demand. Until now, the creatine has been the sumplemento with but scientific researches in the market. The creatine has picked up hundreds of clinical studies that show an increase of the muscular mass, improves of the increase, energy levels the muscular force and improves the size and physical yield. Even there is a new series of investigations that demonstrate the creatine administration has a significant effect on the memory and intelligence, as well as the immune function. Greater, more intelligent and healthier, it is a solid stand for casks. What is the creatine? The creatine acts by means of the support to the production of ATP (term for the energy) in the muscular weave that is in crecimeinto of the cells creating a cellular atmosphere more optimist for the muscular growth. When having more reserves of energy in the muscular weave, now the body has the capacity to train more, to higher intensities. This means more repetitions, series, the heaviest loads, more explosive power and one more a faster recovery.

Each of these stimuli is requisite key for the continuous muscular growth. The creatine is simply a mechanism that allows him to work more than before. How I must take creatine? To take or not to take, that is the question. Three investigations of proven effectiveness exist to choose. Each method will be of interest based on a variety of reasons: Method 1: Six days of load to 20 grams to the day, besides a 2-3 maintenance grams after the first six days. Method 2:3 – 5 grams to the day in the long term.


Nokia Electronics Nokia Information Systems

Thanks to this powerful production capacities of the company quickly managed to consolidate its position in Europe and Asia. In 1998, Nokia announced an increase in profits yf 70 -% (210 billion euros), while its main rivals Motorola and Ericsson reported a reduced production rate. The mobile market continued to boom, while also growing and the market share of Nokia. Today, more than 50 000 highly qualified staff create advanced Nokia mobile phones in 18 enterprises of the company in ten countries in the world. Nokia's feature is that, in developing the next model, it focuses on a specific customer, giving him maximum convenience. Today the market offers a model for people who are actively involved in sports, business or leading a secular life in the categories: Basic (2hhh), Expression (3hhh), Active (5xxx), Classic (6xxx), Fashion (7hhh) and Premium (8xxx) . They differ appropriate design and features. Milestones in the history of the company Nokia: 1865: The Birth of Nokia in the wood industry – the emergence of factories on the river Fredrik Idestama Nokia, southern Finland.

1917: Nokia is a coalition of three companies and expands the range of activities to the manufacture of rubber and the production of cables for power lines. 1967: Nokia teams up with The Finnish Rubber Works and The Finnish Cable Works. Education Corporation Nokia Corporation. 1973: Available in the production of the most popular model rubber boots from Nokia, Kontio – different colors and all ages. 1975 announced a computer MikriMikki 3. 1977: Kari H. Kairamo becomes CEO of Nokia Corporation, which meant the transformation of Nokia's electronics giant.

1979: Birth of mobile phones Nokia. 1981: Birth Nokia Telecommunications. 1984: Nokia is the world's first automobile NMT-phone and starts to export to the Soviet Union. 1986: Nokia cellular phone standard is NMT. Board divided on Nokia Electronics Nokia Information Systems, Mobile Phones and Nokia Telecommunications. 1987: Nokia is the world's first NMT-phone that can fit in your pocket. The operators of 13 European countries sign agreement on joint construction and promotion of the network standard, GSM. 1991: The first call to a commercial standard esti GSM – made in Finland equipment Nokia. 1992: Jorma Ollila as Chief Executive Officer. 1992: Nokia introduces the first portable GSM-phone Nokia 101, which fits in your hand. 1993: Nokia takes the motto 'Connecting people', featuring Nokia's contribution to the development of wireless technologies. 1994: Nokia becomes the first European manufacturer supplying mobile phones in Japan. There was a series of 2100. Around the world, has sold nearly 20 million of these phones. 1995: Nokia is the smallest base station for mobile GSM / DCS-network, Nokia PrimeSite. 1996: Nokia is the world's first communicator Nokia 9000. 1997: Nokia moves its strategic objective to connect mobile technology and the Internet. 1999: Nokia releases the first model with support for WAP – Nokia 7110. 2000: Jorma Ollila was named Industry Week magazine manager of the year. Nokia 9210 released – the first phone model with a color screen. Nokia split in Nokia Mobile Phones and Nokia Networks. 2001: Nokia continues to develop a new strategic goal 'Internet in your pocket every' and maintain leadership in the 21st century. 2002: 7650 – the first phone from Nokia on Series 60 and a camera. It was the first call to a commercial third-generation networks based on WCDMA.


Dominican Republic

in January 2007 as part of a process of separation of cellular services in the former Verizon Dominicana bought by America Movil for more than 2 000 million dollars, being the most important operation in America Movil 2006. The services of fixed telephony and data were grouped under the old mark of Codetel. Claro has 2.5 million customers in October 2007.



Contents In elaborating on any biological phenomenon and trying to explain the intimate nature of the processes that determine a property or function of living beings, we inevitably in the field of molecular biology. Take for example the study of genes. The classical laws of Mendel are explained immediately in morphological and functional knowledge of the chromosomes. But when we want to know the composition and modus operandi of a gene need to penetrate deep into the double helix structure of DNA by Watson and Crick, the arrangement of purine and pirimid micas, ie the genetic information.By qualifying the possibility of synthesizing an enzyme by a gene, we must continue the process of transmission of the genetic information from nuclear DNA to messenger RNA, the activation of amino acids by RNA carrier, the management of these activated amino acids on the ribosome according to the predetermined pattern by messenger RNA, obtaining the primary structure of the enzyme protein. All these topics are studied in molecular biology But there’s more, the protein, once synthesized, must be ordered in space according to certain rules that are specific spatial conformation (secondary and tertiary structures) and sometimes several molecules associated with the same or different to constitute what is called quaternary structures and quinaria, so that the biological properties of the molecule as an enzyme linked to this complex spatial organization.The well organized protein molecule may prove an enzyme in its catalytic activity, is susceptible to activation or inhibition by certain substances, these actions of transcendental importance for the life of the cell. Similarly, molecular biology is concerned with the chemical structure of the component substances of biological membranes and management of the enzymes that chained actions, P. ej., within the mitochondria, nucleus and other subcellular corpuscles, to explain the mechanical and biochemical cycles determined by the cellular topochemical. The processes of reproduction of viruses, bacteria and higher organisms contain many unknowns about going to solve molecular biology.The mutations produced by physical agents (X rays, gamma rays, heat, etc..) Or chemical (mutagenic substances) have a much more satisfactory explanation the better you know the molecular basis of processes of change in the structure and management of databases DNA nitrogen. The relationship between different species of living things can be established through individual study compared macromolecular substances (proteins) produced by them. Thus, the sequence of amino acids in hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochromes, pituitary hormones or insulin induces the degree of phylogenetic proximity, by showing the evolution of the protein for progressive changes. Multitude of genetic events such as natural selection, adaptation to environment, species differentiation, and so on., Have their ultimate explanation at the molecular level.Finally, the molecular biology of organisms is providing interesting data for the search for new antibiotics and anti-metabolites, which allow to efficiently and selectively attack the pathogens. But this is not to say that molecular biology is a complete science and perfectly crafted. On the contrary, new discoveries, solving a mystery posing many more questions that are the subject of future research. Today this young science is growing explosively. Moreover, the last and definitive explanation of the behavior of the molecules of living things need to be known in depth, dealing with other branches of science such as sub-molecular biophysics (orbital bonding forces, hybridization, etc.. ) and even sub-atomic physics, which is required for a wealth of knowledge that can never be the property of individual researchers, but scientifically work teams heterogeneous but harmonic combination.