
Oxford Advanced Learner

The more of these qualities you have, the more chance of success. Teach English on their own, diligently, every day engaged in 1-2 hours. Use: Tutorial. For example: ‘Self Help English language. Practical Course ‘, publisher Langenscheidt; Directories of grammar’ Essential Grammar in Use ‘and’ English Grammar in Use ‘, the author Raymond Murphy; Any British electronic dictionary with voice acting words. For example: Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary; Paper Russian-English-Russian dictionary publishers Longman, Oxford, Collins or the like (Not Soviet); A set of additional literature that are online.

Listening to BBC, watching Discovery Channel, British films, looking for interesting interviews on youtube. Testing their knowledge of themselves with the literature for Cambridge exams. First, do a test exam KET (Key English Test) according to the book KET Testbuilder, publisher MacMillan. Learn the mistakes and learn from them. When you see that at least 60% of responses in the test is correct, crank another Englishman in ICQ or Skype and practice conversational English. Then go on a book on the PET (Preliminary English Test).

For example, PET Testbuilder, publisher MacMillan. With knowledge at this level and following such a strategy can be continued further to study English on their own until high level. 2. With a private tutor, this method of learning for people who are: Free time to go to that teacher or the terms of home / office to invite him to her; A sufficient number of resources as well as the services of good teachers are always expensive.


Consumer Behavior

Even if outside experts have not said anything new – do not worry: it is – a necessary test of your competence in the matter, and you honor her with stood. * Consumer Opinion: This is – the last resort to supplement the testing of hypotheses and research your market. About how to interview clients, says a lot. We recall here only the fact that relevant is only that information which is obtained from target customers, and who do you think the target customer – it's up to you (or your marketing agency). When developing a strategy to try to avoid the trap of segmenting standard socio-demographic segmentation (gender, age, etc.).

Instead of using well-known approaches to divide potential customers into groups, it is better to take a little time on the identification and analysis factors that may affect the willingness and ability of customers to buy your product (such as visiting a client ever your site on any search he came to the site, what pages it looked, etc.): these criteria and it makes sense to base the segmentation of potential customers and audience targeting for market research. If possible, pay attention to the sampling frame: it should reflect the structure of the target market as a whole. * Consumer Behavior: When we say that the opinion of customers – the ultimate authority on hypothesis testing your market research, we are actually talking the truth. Really, the main criterion validity of the results of this study is not that they agree with words but with actions of clients.