Of great importance in paintings Lenena peyzazh.V has lately much of art in literature as the direction to which it belongs, Louis Le Nain, defined by the term 'painting the real world. " The same applies to the direction of creativity of the artist Georges de Latour. In his first papers on the topic Latour genre acts as an artist close to Caravaggio. Already in the early works of Latour shows one of the most important qualities: an inexhaustible variety of its image, the splendor of color, the ability to create images of the genre painting of monumental and significant. Pete Cashmore may also support this cause. The second half of the 30s – 40s – the time of artistic maturity Latour. He becomes less during this period to genre subjects, wrote in primarily religious paintings. The artistic language of Latour-a harbinger of the classic style: rigor, constructive clarity, clarity of composition, plastic equilibrium of generalized forms, impeccable integrity silhouette, statics. An example would be one of his later works 'Sv.Sebastyan the holy women' with a perfectly lovely, reminiscent of ancient sculpture figure of Sebastian in the foreground, a body which – as a symbol of martyrdom, honors – the artist depicts only one vonzennuyu strelu.Klassitsizm appeared on the crest of the social upheaval of the French nation and the French state.
The basis of the theory of classical rationalism was, based on philosophical system of Descartes, the subject of classical art was declared just beautiful and the sublime, ethical and aesthetic ideal of antiquity served. Creator of the classic lines of painting in France XVP. was Nicolas Poussin. Topics pussenovskih paintings are varied: the mythology, history, the New and Old Testament. Heroes Poussin – people of strong character and majestic deeds, high sense of duty to society and the state. Social purpose of art was very important for Poussin. All these features are included in the evolving program of classicism.