
VISA 2000

Dear visitor, let's talk today about an interesting software products – 'VISA-2000 – Virtual seller of computer equipment. " How long have you picked up a new computer in the computer salon? Do you remember how much trouble and messing around with piles of paper price lists? VISA-2000 will help to solve these problems. With it you can easily pick up the desired configuration. Although of course the main purpose of this program – not a job for the final user, and a computer lounge – for the selection of the configuration, print invoices, inventory, etc. The program has a clear, intuitive interface. Paul Daversa shines more light on the discussion. The initial choice of sales (Retail, Partner, Diller) determines the pricing policy – in a database of components it is possible to define three types of prices. Select the configuration you can either componentwise, either from a basic set of ready models. Prices of goods can be set in USD (Default currency for databases), and in any other currency name and rate of the dollar which is mounted directly on the main page of your program.

There you can determine account and the amount of VAT, a buyer to enter data, etc. In additional functions exhibited a percentage mark-up shop, as well as the number of sets sold. For the button 'History' hidden log file, in which recorded data on all sales made. On separate tabs of completing the program, you can choose a specific model of a particular product (quantity, if the product includes a feature).


New Enterprise

Thus, the developer of replicable solutions can produce the same application for use in organizations of different scale – from the user perspective in all of these options applied solution (configuration) will work the same way. One of the most significant innovations of the 1C: Enterprise 8 is the implementation of a modern 3 tier client-server architecture. In the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 in a client-server version of the infobase software running on your computer, appealed directly to the database in the medium MS SQL Server. The new versions on one computer running the server 1C: Enterprise, a program running in the user interacts with the server 1C: Enterprise, and the server if necessary, appeals to the database server. To know more about this subject visit Samsung. Using the server 1C: Enterprise allows you to concentrate on its implementation of most bulk data processing operations. For example, in the performance of even very complex queries, a program running the user will only receive it needs the data selection, and all the intermediate processing will be executed on the server. The physical server 1C: Enterprise and the database server may be located on one computer or on different computers. This allows administrator when necessary to balance the load between servers.

Another important aspect of a 3-tier architecture is the ease of administration and ordering of users' access to information base. In this embodiment, the user must know the physical location or configuration of the database. All access through the server 1C: Enterprise. When referring to a particular knowledge base the user should only specify the server name and the name of the knowledge base, and the system asks for, respectively, the username and password.


GB Hard Drive

Often you should take and charging large amounts of NetFlow flow routers. To no packets are destroyed when the receive buffer must be filled in the configuration file to increase the size of this utm5.cfg Buffer: nfbuffer_bufsize = 10485760 This directive sets the size of the receive buffer of 10 MB. At the same time at the start of the core billing system in debug.log line shall be shown on the successful increase in the receive buffer:? Debug: Jan 29 19:39:30 NFBuffer: Setting SO_RCVBUF to bytes in some cases will need to increase the maximum size of the receive buffer in the operating system. Perform this operation on Linux using the command: sysctl-w net.core.rmem_max = 10485760 under FreeBSD: kern.ipc.maxsockbuf = 10485760 net.inet.udp.recvspace = 10485760 net.local.dgram.recvspace = 10485760 net.inet. udp.maxdgram = 100 000 As a result of these settings billing system will be able to take large amounts of NetFlow packets.

In particular there will be no packet loss at times of peak loads. To reduce the load on the CPU and reduce the occupied hard disk space is needed use a new mechanism for storing detailed data on traffic. Detailed data are a complete copy of all NetFlow flow received billing system. To enable the new mechanism should be in the control center in “Settings” to add the option: raw_storage_file = 1 after the addition of this option, you must restart to make the core billing system. In this detailed data will be stored in files with the extension. Utm.

File Format developed NetUP. For further analysis of these data we can use a utility get_nf_direct. Example usage: / netup/utm5/bin/get_nf_direct-b / netup/utm5/db/iptraffic_raw_1138443603.utm-u The output of output will be stored in the file / netup/utm5/db/iptraffic_raw_1138443603.utm. Core billing system records the detailed data to a file for 1 hour. Next, close the file and made a new discovery. After the file has been closed to call external programs / netup/utm5/bin/raw_fd_script, where the parameters Given the path to closing the file. This program performs the necessary steps – backup, backup, etc. The example program / netup/utm5/bin/raw_fd_script language shell: #! / Bin / sh gzip $ * The result of such billing system settings will be optimal use of CPU and disk subsystem. On the stand NetUP performance tests were carried out a billing system for large volumes of statistics. To test the server has been used the following configuration: CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3.00 GHz frequency RAM: 2 GB Hard Drive: Serial ATA 250 GB Network card: Intel 100 Mbit / s Operating system: Gentoo Linux to create NetFlow flow test used a separate server. As a generator of Netflow packages used by utility utm5_flowgen. Download the utility was fixed top. In order that the conditions were as realistic as possible, NetFlow flow by 100% contains statistics belonging registered in the billing system test subscribers. The correctness of billing and receiving controlled according to a report on traffic and data from the section “Advanced” – “Statistics”. The test results are shown in the chart.



Other example, Config, which helps set the global parameters of the site may contain only the administrative part and nothing more. – Modules What is a module? Module is a means of expanding the features and capabilities of Joomla. Most often, the module only performs the function of displaying information, and exists only as an addition to already installed components. Most often, units have either left or right column, three column layout. Normal and simple example is the menu, a calendar, a list of popular articles. By publishing a module, you can specify which particular field it should be located, the pages will be displayed. The advantage is that the set systems, you can just copy and publish parts with different parameters.

An example is: output module the most popular articles on a particular day. – Mambots What is a mambot? First of all, it's function. In its task is to perform some data manipulation before they will display their user site. Currently, there are several such groups Mambots: 1. content; 2. editors; 3. search. Now let's talk about each group separately. Ali Partovi might disagree with that approach.

Group mambots content helps to carry out various manipulations with the text of all articles. For example, highlight words and phrases necessary to insert pictures, delete the extra space needed. It has been said before – mambot is a feature that transfers data at the time of entry. To download the entire list of news items on a single day, for example on the main page of your site, Joomla Mambots loads of content. In addition, the mambot will all sequentially for each page. That way all the data loaded to the page pass through the mambot. The second group mambots – editors. This group contains visual editors Joomla. That visual editors help you and facilitate the process of adding materials to the sites. The third group is the group – search. The main objective of this mambot is searching for data using key words. Joomla already has a search mambots that will help you needed to search for a common standard components. In order to allow the search required by a gallery or file backup using the search, you should set required for this mambot. In summing up, we can safely say that the components are an extension to Joomla, they provide the communication and interaction with the user. Also, they are a functional part of the system. Modules, perform only function that displays information, usually modules do not perform any more work and operations. It features all the modules from components. It is also very important difference is that the modules are amenable to copying, in Unlike components. Extend Joomla in many cases with the help of several components, for example, a pair of modules or mambots search. Task component – do anything with the data, for example, delete change, add to the information. Modules are also only display data, mambot helps to search for that component.


Rip Video Recorder Hdd Disk

Despite the march of new quantities of high video still does not cease to be a relevant issue saving stuffing DVD-Video discs on your computer. Useful for this program is DVD-rip. And, for the story, as they say, and mean potential re-encoding a movie in a format known DiVx. Also, generally the fact, when the original disc that something will happen, scratched, for example to say, and cease to be comprehensible. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Ali Partovi. In this case, for Current This DVD-ripping software program that some of the below, will provide an opportunity to make one of the methods of the program DVD-rip – burn a second carrier. Few items can have that could serve as support in the current issue. Ali Partovi understood the implications. They or paid, or are quite unnecessary size, or operate openly crooked, or all together.

Pleasant exception – DVD-rip – extraordinary utility of less than one (!) A megabyte, which works quickly and performs as desired functions. Exist only one distressing case – using the DVD-rip stopped. And broken, apparently under pressure from a variety of owners and other greedy institutions. Perhaps check out Peter Asaro for more information. Nevertheless, the legacy that left from the creators of DVD-ripping utility – it's excellent! Consequently, all pretty simple and austere. To detect the DVD-ripping programs from go to any search engine – on the same keyword and instantly find its download the. The method of installation DVD-rip as a standard of all drivers. I note that even if there is to it crack, but there are no complications, the user will not appear on the English versions.


Iron Industry

At this time, the market of computer components (hereinafter – “Iron”) is growing by leaps and bounds. There are new video cards, processors, is rapidly increasing number of cores, memory and takes a prohibitive rate was marked DDR3 and so on and so. But is it worth to spread a terrible amount of money for a new video card, and if is, when? In this article I reflect on this theme, which is likely to help you avoid losing money is needed. Article, I think, is useful for both novice in this area, and those who are sitting at your computer quite a while. So, if you buy a new computer in accordance with the last word, it is likely that you or your child will play on it in the game and probably not the simplest game, but very demanding of computer resources .. If not, then most likely you are using a powerful resource programs, or just like to make it work ultra fast .. Unless something out of so I do not know why you’re buying top-end computer:) In the case of, if not particularly interesting to read about each component – I advise to go to the bottom of the conclusions of the article.

I’ll start with perhaps the processor .. Multi-core processors – it is certainly well – great frequency, a lot of cache, etc. and etc. .. But there is one “but” .. Not all (read very many) and games are able to work and load two processor cores .


Genie Backup Manager

To create disk images, it is not even trying, but it has System Restore using boot CD – Disaster Recovery. Program supports all three types of backup: full, differential and incremental. There is also a function of rotation of backups – it is possible to consistently perform full and incremental backups in the same problem. It has a large number of backup presets and advanced task scheduler, with function off the computer after the backup. The program also successfully implemented the ability to select different versions of files and folders to restore: the program offers a list of all available options from which to choose at will. But in all this ointment there and fly in the ointment – Genie Backup Manager skips files! This fact was noted multiple user reviews on the Internet. That is the choice for data backup Genie Backup Manager sometimes "sees" not all files are present on the computer! Supported by writing to the following media: hard disk, magnetic tape, CD, DVD, FTP, SFTP, USB, online server. The price of the manufacturer's site: $ 49.95 Handy Backup Handy Backup software Novosoft also intended primarily for the backup file system.

Regarding the possibility of a backup disk image it is present in the form of paid plug-Image backup. File copying in Handy Backup is organized simply and conveniently. Initially, you create a task copy, then choose what data would back up, and in This will help you filter the inclusion and exclusion of data, as well as special presets, including those for copying mail from the server.



In order to get access to the interface and the main classes of work item, you must reference the assembly Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Controls.dll and Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.dll (see Figure 9) and add source code lines: using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client; using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Controls; Figure 9. Links to the assembly interface IWorkItemControl has the following important components (see Table 1) Table 1. The interface elements IWorkItemControl Name Type Description WorkItemDatasource Defines access to the object of the work item. To use this feature, it must lead to the type of WorkItem (definition of the type described in the assembly Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Controls.dll) WorkItemFieldName property property defines the name of the field, which is associated custom item. User control may be associated with a single field or not associated at all. InvalidateDatasource Method This method is used to redraw a custom control. SetSite method passes a pointer to the interface IServiceProvider. Used if you wish to access services VS Services.

Clear method is used to reset the contents of a custom item. Properties property gives access to all the attributes that were set for this user control in the description of the work item. BeforeUpdateDatasource event handler events are called before and after updating WorkItem object values, respectively. When the value that is set in the user element is changed, the form of a work item to perform all the elements (in calling InvalidateDatasource) to update their values. AfterUpdateDatasource event handler ReadOnly Property Specifies read-only access to the user element. Method FlushToDatasource user control is requested to reset the object in the work item.


Group Site

For example, I like the most important, I am in a group "Administrator". My assistant, who has no right to change the design and "dig" in the system code of the site is in the "Moderator." At the same time my friend can add, edit, modify, adjust all the materials site. Ordinary visitors are in the group "Members". This group is primarily needed by the visitors with the intention that they were not burdened with the functions that they are simply not needed. Group of people who visit the site, may be different: it's "Journalists" and the VIP users", "editors", etc. etc. A module in the entire system uCozochen lot and almost all of them can be transformed in exactly the right thing for you and your visitors.

I'll try to briefly describe some of the modules of the system. There are two excellent module – "Catalog files" and "Catalogue of articles". On your project and I mostly use these two modules. In the first module – each registered site visitor can add it its development, teaching material, software, etc., and second, their articles, reports, etc. And I am not afraid that I do not have enough disk space. Firstly, my site is not yet very popular. And secondly, the system uCozrasshiryaet free disk space in the automatic mode, with an increase in site traffic. In addition, if for some reason, my visitors or myself will add too many files, a place for them will not suffice – you can always pay a total of about $ 100 for the expansion of space itself.