
Christian Sandfeld Languages

Balkan languages are a group of languages of different branches belonging to the Indo-European language family. Languages of this group are similar in phonetics, morphology, syntax, and in phraseology, vocabulary and word formation. K Balkan languages include Albanian language, some Slavic languages, Romance languages, as well as the language of the peripheral region of the territory of distribution – the Greek language. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Bobby Sharma Bluestone. Languages of the Balkan Union studied under special discipline in the field of linguistics, which is known as Balkan and Balkan Linguistics. On the territory of the Russian Federation it is taught at the State University of St. Petersburg.

In 1829, linguist from Slovenia Jernei Kopitar first time in the history of the languages of the Balkan Peninsula, noticed the similarities between them, particularly in the areas of grammar. Genetic kinship of languages was not, and therefore on their similarity to that time, linguists have not paid attention, as, indeed, has never conducted research in this area. In 1850, for August Schleicher in his work sufficiently explicit definition of areal kinship of languages, but which is opposed to genetic kinship. Bobby Sharma Bluestone can provide more clarity in the matter. And in 1861, began work on the relations of the Balkan-Romance and Balkan-Slavic languages Franz Mikloshich. Also, the study of the issue involved Nikolai Troubetzkoy, Athanasius Selishchev Gustav Vaygand and Christian Sandfeld-Jensen. In the 30 years of last century linguist from Romania Alexander Graur criticized the notion of "Balkan". He argued that to talk about Balkan linguistics it makes no sense, and should only talk about mutual borrowing between languages and their influence on each other.


Message Conquests

Message with dynamics (Activity that could be used in opening meetings) dear Ol () We are you give to start our day, and therefore, nothing more interesting than to initiate it presenteando to all vocs with one lembracinha, it is simple, but it is of heart, it keeps it uses and it with affection; Papa of the Sky asked for that I delivered you. In it we find: emotions, peace, happinesses, health, love, success, hopes, conquests, knowledge, wisdom and everything that has of better. Everything this, in is conferred, from this DVD where it is possible to get emotions and to reflect peace in the heart; chocolates, already we know that in them it brings health and sensation of happiness and love (thus it says science); a chaveiro, where you will place the keys of the doors that will open for its success; a penxs to trace the objectives where its hopes are enclosed; a goblet, to offer the conquests that still will be reached; a diploma (symbolic), that they are gratefulness for this so pleasant hours of working, in it are the knowledge and the wisdom. These yes, qualify in them for the life, therefore we very learn with the tasks day to day and to be thankful the team friends, is basic for our process of learning and consequentemente, for our continuity while human being. I wait sincerely that walked ours until it has not been here in go and would like that you forever took all knowledge acquired here and that this is not stanches, but yes, either only the start of much more that still will come for there! An excellent hours of working for all we!


Language Learning

If you want to go up in the world, in the business world, learning a new language can be a good start. Test results will be no earlier than 2 weeks after delivery. If the result does not meet your expectations, you’ll have time to prepare for and retake it again. Here, Energy Capital Partners expresses very clear opinions on the subject. It is important to properly prepare for taking your language test. Excellent to know the language is not enough, it is important to know how to take test. This will help the specialized training centers for language tests. You can do individually with the teacher. But with this, which has been successfully preparing students for the exam, and not just teach the language.

Motivation letter motivation letter is not always a requirement for admission, but we recommend students to serve it in a package of documents. To write it, you should also clearly understand why you need this program, why this institution in this country. Then you can explain it in his essay. The argument that this high school – the best rating, or is not appropriate. Need to explain why this program is better than another university and what it is so valuable to you, what are the prospects it opens for you.

“Your program fits me most.” In the middle – you are, you choose among the many institutions and programs. You explain why you chose this program that it is special, what is not in similar programs at other universities. And why do it to you. This confirms that you are – motivated student. And not just succumb to fashion trends and do not know what you want. Plans for the future.


Culture AfroBrazilian

INTRODUCTION Brazil is multicultural and a pluritnico one. This is certainly an affirmation that few Brazilians would disagree, after all, is a reality that is printed in the face of this people, the mixture of race and diverse cultures if it makes to perceive in all territory and in its inhabitants, throughout the formation of the Brazilian people, traces of the diverse cultures who had contributed for this formation, they had been if incorporating for then giving origin ' ' culture of the people brasileiro' '. Ahead of this ' ' harmoniosa' ' miscegenation, would be natural also to affirm that in Brazil all the cultures that had contributed for its formation, are respected with equality, would be natural to affirm that the same ones do not suffer to any type of preconception or discrimination. Unhappyly this is not the Brazilian reality. Mainly in what afro says respect to the negation of the cultures and black. In this article, that if he intended was to argue and to understand which they are the educational proposals of Brazil contemporary, for study and valuation of the Culture Afro-Brazilian in the educational establishments With the advent of law 10939/2003 that it becomes obligator education on History and Culture Afro-Brazilian in the basic and average educational establishments, one perceives advances in the actions of the public politics with the purpose to inside diminish the discrimination of this culture of the Brazilian society. It can affirm, that the reasons that apiam this law are in the beginning of that it is necessary to know deeply influences it and the contributions of some cultural matrices culture afro gifts in the Brazilian culture, for then being able to understand it and consequently to value it and to respect it. To educate for the ethnic-racial relations primordially implies to reflect on the peculiar way it Brazilian people, to deal with the questions that if they relate to the racial diversity and cultural of the country it stops in it intervining.


For Vygotsky

The analysis in relation to the basic paper of the family in the formation of this citizen will be made, as the school that will give the necessary instructions to it will have to proceed with these difficulties and the society in which the deaf person is inserted. One another point importantssimo that we will approach is the acquisition of the Brazilian Language of Signals? POUNDS for the construction of the language of the deaf person. The deaf person and the construction of the subject one When we speak in construction of the citizen, we cannot in forgetting them to them contributions Vygotsky, Piaget, Freud and Lacan concerning the psicanalticas characteristics and psychological human beings, in which it points a look between the individual and social plan, therefore, this happens, through the interpersonal relations. The child is born inserted in a social environment, that is its family where it finishes establishing the first social relations, cultural and lingusticas. Evaluating the trajectory of the deaf person for history we can observe that per many decades the deaf person was considered as deficient mental even though by its familiar ones, therefore, she did not obtain to communicate itself and nor to express its wills for a verbal language that, for many times for it did not have no direction. For Vygotsky (1926), the main difficulty in the construction of the language of the deaf child is that most of the time it is taken to the acquisition of one verbal language, without perceiving its basic direction and joints, being for most important it for the acquisition of the language is its speaks natural, that in the deaf person the verbal one is not summarized, pointing the question of deaf person one of most complex, therefore they do not develop the language in the same way of what the listeners. It is still verified, with much frequency, practical of education that they aim at to the production of one speaks that it little makes or no direction for the deaf people and makes that them to unfasten important hours in treinos that do not take to the learning of a language adjusted in this case.


Digital Exclusion

More the success of these environments is not conditional only to the communication tools as e-mails, fruns of debates, wikis or chats of quarrel, but for the necessity in providing resources that make possible the organization and manipulation of the received messages, in way that the pupils can find contents specific and write form messages to express its ideas more good. Another important point in which the model saw web looks for to support itself as modality educative it is the use of the prerogatives: contribution and cooperation in information nets. In turn, these terms constitute practical essentials of the Cibercultura, that stops Lvy (1999) is about a set of customs and traditions executed in the virtual world that they are primordial to feel or those candidates inserted to be part of it. Although to the first sight, these terms will give airs of synonymous, contribution and cooperation possesss intrinsic dynamic in the virtual world.

Lvy (1999) looks for to understand the contribution in virtual environment as an action developed in set, for two or more people who if understand, if respects, has common interests and objectives and that they share the same values, for the accomplishment of a service, a project or a product. But for Kensky, Oliveira and Clementino (2006) the cooperation presents better resulted for practical educative on-line because it searchs to carry through crossroads of these contributions, aiming at benefits to the other participant members through three essential principles: the interaction, the mediation and the active participation. Therefore, one gives credit that for a course on-line, the success of the magnifying of colaborativos methods depends on the environment creation adjusted for cooperation.


Sustainable Development

Education, Management and Sustainable Development Professors: Eduardo Nunes and Avelar Learning Mutim: Adilton Days of Santana Pablo Robert Padilha, City that It educates. Pablo Robert Padilha is master and doctor in education for the College of Education of the University of So Paulo, current Director of Institucional Development of the Institute Pablo Freire, where he works has 15 years, Is coordinating generality of the Program City that He educates, and coordinator of formation and research/Brazil Team, that involves 5 countries (Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Italy and Portugal. City that It educates is a new concept created by a group of militant of the IPF? Institute Pablo Freire, amongst other Pablo Robert Padilha, and that in Brazil it had impulse with the Federal Constitution of 1988, in which if established in the law biggest of a country the decentralization administrative politics and, that is each city got the autonomy to create its proper municipal systems of education, being started to consist as one space of being able, clearly in joint and contribution with states and Federal Government. City that It educates considers that each city can be articulated around principles of ‘ ‘ education cidad’ ‘ of the search of ‘ ‘ citizenship planetria’ ‘ , that is, it means the organization of people, social institutions and not governmental organizations having as starting point the sustainable local development. Characterizing multisectorial boardings with articulated and participativas actions adopting the educative action coo conducting wire of all the politics of the city, in progress or to be proposals, developed, evaluated and folloied with the set of the municipality on the basis of the comment and permanent contribution of the public administration. The recital practical-theoretician of the concept City that educates part of the experiences of the popular education since the Sixties of century 20, of the social movements in Latin America in relation military dictatorships of the decade of seventy and the Popular Public School that Pablo Freire inaugurated in the end of the decade of eighty, of the school citizen and the Movement of the Education Citizen that it was also born in the end of the decade of eighty and if fortify until the current days..


The Marriage

Because he is but rational to believe from the beginning in a single God, that to believe in several Gods. Because he is but rational to believe in an invisible God, that in an image. Because he is but rational to believe in a God that loves the sanctity and detests the badness, that to believe in a God that is pagan and destroys other Gods. Because he is but rational to think that God can guide and save the men, who to think that the men can be guided and be saved to themselves. And if I lie or I am mistaken.

Obsrvese as we lived and we acted the men of the Earth. Because if the infantile pornography is good I am mistaken, if it is good that the children kill their parents and the parents to its children I am mistaken, because if the massive drug consumption is good, I am confused. If prostitution is the best thing, I am not of this century and I am crazy. If to assassinate in vain it is a good or bad act for being a relative truth. I am a social anarchist. If the marriage is ridiculous and not it, I am an ignorant one.

Because if to buy any penal cut it is easiest, I am marginalizing and I do not have whereupon. Fence. I am crazy and until hour I realize, or in fact I see all the sinful one that I am and therefore I realize that as society we smell of the worse thing. And to disguise we covered with assumptions perfumes, because the same are not more than hypocrisy. In fact we are as ignorant as Adam and Eva.


National Influenza Centre

Local outbreaks of avian influenza in the Rostov region – a consequence of delayed flights of wild birds to warmer climes, says academician of RAMS, Director of the National Influenza Centre of the World Health Organization (WHO) in St. Petersburg, Oleg Kiselev. "Abnormally warm November and December have adjusted terms of migratory birds in the south of Russia – the likely carriers of H5N1 virus" – says Oleg Kiselyov, – 'wild individuals could pass domesticated relatives highly pathogenic virus. " Head of the National Influenza Centre believes that global climate change and weather on the planet will continue to make adjustments in the timing and route of migratory birds. Another reason eat healthy food … Another discovery in the field of health have done to U.S.

researchers. After a series of experiments, they concluded that the levels of cholesterol in cell membranes in the ear can affect hearing person. The amount of substance in this area of the body is formed at birth and did not significantly change throughout life. However, the levels of cholesterol in the blood vary with dietary preferences of a person, which also affects the amount of ear cells. Doctors have found that regular consumption of large portions of fatty food, affects not only heart health but also can affect the hearing, raising the levels of cholesterol. Thus, American researchers have found that by avoiding fatty foods from your diet can regulate the cellular mechanisms responsible for the amount of cholesterol and thus save your ears are in good condition. Japanese kill whales prohibit … Japan has decided to stop the program whaling off the coast of Antarctica.

According to available information, stop hunting for a while until the Government negotiating with international organizations opposing whaling. Animal-welfare advocates say that hunters of whales mock animals, using as a murder weapon harpoons, which prolong the suffering of whales and several hours. In 2004, the Association for the Protection of whales allowed to hunt animals by 1.4 thousand to three countries – Norway, Iceland and Japan. In the future the organization hoped to completely stop the destruction of whales, but to do it her way and failed, and given that whaling is a traditional occupations in Norway, Iceland and Japan to do so in the near future will be extremely difficult … Discuss>>>


Oxford Advanced Learner

The more of these qualities you have, the more chance of success. Teach English on their own, diligently, every day engaged in 1-2 hours. Use: Tutorial. For example: ‘Self Help English language. Practical Course ‘, publisher Langenscheidt; Directories of grammar’ Essential Grammar in Use ‘and’ English Grammar in Use ‘, the author Raymond Murphy; Any British electronic dictionary with voice acting words. For example: Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary; Paper Russian-English-Russian dictionary publishers Longman, Oxford, Collins or the like (Not Soviet); A set of additional literature that are online.

Listening to BBC, watching Discovery Channel, British films, looking for interesting interviews on youtube. Testing their knowledge of themselves with the literature for Cambridge exams. First, do a test exam KET (Key English Test) according to the book KET Testbuilder, publisher MacMillan. Learn the mistakes and learn from them. When you see that at least 60% of responses in the test is correct, crank another Englishman in ICQ or Skype and practice conversational English. Then go on a book on the PET (Preliminary English Test).

For example, PET Testbuilder, publisher MacMillan. With knowledge at this level and following such a strategy can be continued further to study English on their own until high level. 2. With a private tutor, this method of learning for people who are: Free time to go to that teacher or the terms of home / office to invite him to her; A sufficient number of resources as well as the services of good teachers are always expensive.