Education, Management and Sustainable Development Professors: Eduardo Nunes and Avelar Learning Mutim: Adilton Days of Santana Pablo Robert Padilha, City that It educates. Pablo Robert Padilha is master and doctor in education for the College of Education of the University of So Paulo, current Director of Institucional Development of the Institute Pablo Freire, where he works has 15 years, Is coordinating generality of the Program City that He educates, and coordinator of formation and research/Brazil Team, that involves 5 countries (Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Italy and Portugal. City that It educates is a new concept created by a group of militant of the IPF? Institute Pablo Freire, amongst other Pablo Robert Padilha, and that in Brazil it had impulse with the Federal Constitution of 1988, in which if established in the law biggest of a country the decentralization administrative politics and, that is each city got the autonomy to create its proper municipal systems of education, being started to consist as one space of being able, clearly in joint and contribution with states and Federal Government. City that It educates considers that each city can be articulated around principles of ‘ ‘ education cidad’ ‘ of the search of ‘ ‘ citizenship planetria’ ‘ , that is, it means the organization of people, social institutions and not governmental organizations having as starting point the sustainable local development. Characterizing multisectorial boardings with articulated and participativas actions adopting the educative action coo conducting wire of all the politics of the city, in progress or to be proposals, developed, evaluated and folloied with the set of the municipality on the basis of the comment and permanent contribution of the public administration. The recital practical-theoretician of the concept City that educates part of the experiences of the popular education since the Sixties of century 20, of the social movements in Latin America in relation military dictatorships of the decade of seventy and the Popular Public School that Pablo Freire inaugurated in the end of the decade of eighty, of the school citizen and the Movement of the Education Citizen that it was also born in the end of the decade of eighty and if fortify until the current days..