
Institution Knowledge

At the current moment later five year acting in the faculty of the institution, I came to perceive that the importance of the use of the new technologies, the use of the computer, and of as this instrument contributed for essesindivduos with intellectual deficit so that they found a bigger stimulaton in its day the day, therefore, many results had been gotten inside of this profile of learning. With the evolution of the planning and the application of projects directed to the education process and learning of the clientele, many young had acquired a gamma of knowledge, intelligence capable to serve of foundation for an independent construction of the knowledge. Exactly being inside of the area of education and for the simple fact to coexist in my day the day these individuals intellectual deficit, I saw me excited to dive inside in the world of this learning of the psicopedaggico context, therefore, it has one year more or less and way, I felt the necessity to come back my look toward the psicopedagogia where through it I obtained explanations for these mine internal questionings on this clientele and also on acquisition of the knowledge, learning, language, of the individual inside of the context learning. The vertiginous increase of the technologies of the communication and information still more stimulates the process of mannering change in Brazil and in the world, this happens because all the involved ones with these, have that to adapt they to be established in the market and/or the life in a general way. Based in this, it is that with all these changes, the valuation of the knowledge is still more necessary. Therefore the new technologies produce tools that assist in the organization and dissemination of the knowledge. The concern with the existence of the new technologies generates a study where it shows as they always contribute for the course of a society in transistion.


Games Online

Craze between children, young and adults, the games online amuse to all, independent of the jogabilidade style. It enters some aspects to be evaluated in the choice of games, the graphs and images offer prominence, therefore they are these attributes, together with the form to play that they make with that games if detach more than what others. To get all the quality in the game online, is not only enough that it well is developed, but yes, that the structure of lodging in the net is compatible, as well as the connection to the Internet, as that completing a gear. If a point will not be perfect, it will compromise all the others, and then, to play online online will become an uninteresting activity. The sites in the Internet are several that offer to entertainment through games online. The choice of the best games and the best sites is the criterion of the player, who must try the maximum of them in accordance with its preferences and take off its proper conclusions.


Edition Case

A clear identification is the arquivoscontaminados ones that they start to move of size, to be each bigger time. Maslembre nor all slowness can be caused by a virus, and yes a BUG oufalha of a program or the proper operational system, to confirm talatitude, we must leave our antiviruses always brought up to date and to verify todasas parts of the hard disk and memories. Some creators of virus place messages, musics, noises, figures and drawings in its virus to appear in the area screen detrabalho of the computer. Such evidences is definitive tests that computadorest infectado and if spread by the computer, following for damnifications, overloads, slowness, alteration, formatting, edentro collects of data confidences others. From the detention, the user immediately will have that computer in security way reiniciarseu, in case that the computer requests the valid ltimaconfigurao, must thus be had access immediately afterwards will be in modode security guard. After these procedures the antivirus he will have to verify all osdiscos, boot of inicializao, to driver, e-mails and memories. The antiviruses serve to repair all the arquivosinfectados ones, but nor always this is possible, depending on such contamination eseu level.

Recoveries that are carried through without the prevention, are problematic eso with high risks. Some archives could be excluded by a virus, eno to be more recuperating. Some of these archives will be able to contain ainicializao of the operational system, in case that it is not recouped, the sistemaoperacional or some type of BOOT will be disabled of being initiated to parafuncionar correctly. In case that the archive cannot be repaired will have to be substitudopelo original software, if the Operational system has the dedisco option of verification of boot, could be substituted by a clean and original archive, sendoassim recouped. After this takes care with floppies and pendrivers that already they seconectaram in your computer so that the virus does not come back to contaminate it. Many antiviruses exist that can be lowered in the modogratuito, shreware or freeware as called site BAIXAKI. Some fornecemapenas scanner, others supply accessory more, being with the one without the option derecuperao or removal of the virus. Others already supply to the complete option and mesmoassim gratis continuing being.

Some studies in the Internet exist sobreantivrus found through the GOOGLE. After the analysis made on osantivrus, the user will be able to choose which the best tool that is incased emseu profile. Made the analysis the user can thus make download, to install to eusar all its functionalities. References PIRACY OF SOFTWARE for Hugo Orrico Jr, Edition: 2, puclicado per H. Orrico Assessoria and Consultoria, 2004.