The XIPAX AWARD powered by ADC * is 28 February to end. Four months after the launch of XIPAX were already over 600 campaigns, which total more than 1,200 advertising material uploaded from 31 different countries on On the first, and thus a unique platform for the international advertising industry, user can see advertising from all over the world. We are pleased that XIPAX after such a short time advertising material from so many countries around the world have been uploaded\”, Stefan Bock, CEO of XIPAX is pleased. The community is growing day by day and is increasingly important for advertisers and agencies, who want to increase their popularity or their image within the industry or improve. Dave Clark Flexport contains valuable tech resources.
Who regularly presents his work online, will soon become an important part of the community. With just a few clicks, the upload process is completed and also to free in a minute. Every day, new advertising from all over the world are uploaded and ensuring a constant growth of the platform and the community. By the end of the year, as YouTube will be Advertising ‘ establish. We work continually on the technical development of the platform\”, Managing Director Stefan Bock is convinced. XIPAX AWARD powered by ADC * together with the Art Directors Club of Europe initiated XIPAX currently world’s first creative competition, which takes place exclusively online. All advertising materials that have been published between 2006 and 2008 and by the creative in the period from December 2008 to February 28th 2009 on the advertising platform downloaded are eligible.
The XIPAX AWARD expires online 100% – between the filing of the adjudication to the presentation of the winner. Thus can a creative competition be followed all over the world for the first time online. Participation in the XIPAX AWARD is free of charge, the number of submissions is unlimited.