
Brief Overview

Trying to butter to cover the entire daily requirement of vitamin A solely from butter (approximately 4 tbsp. L.) Would be unwise. It is sufficient calories, and besides one of the most easy to digest fats, because it consists of tiny fat globules (the digestibility of 98.5%). Alas, it can not affect the figure. We will adhere to the golden mean – no more than 20 grams of butter oil per day, and the remaining amount of vitamin A can be obtained by eating vegetables and fruits, they are rich in carrots, green cabbage, spinach, lettuce, apricots and plums. The ideal provider of beneficial polyunsaturated fats – vegetable oil. Five days a week seasoning salad with vegetable oil, you decrease the risk of heart problems exactly twice! buy two or three kinds of vegetable oils and use them poperemenno.Razlichnye species vegetable oil sunflower oil contains large amounts (60-70%) is very valuable for our body polyunsaturated linoleic acid. That's it – the best ally in the fight against atherosclerosis, the most common cause of cardiovascular diseases and disorders of cerebral circulation.

Soybean oil is extracted from soybeans. It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3, which reduces the performance of "bad" cholesterol. In addition to soybean oil, as in all other soeproduktah, contains phytoestrogens (plant hormones) that are extremely beneficial effect on the intestinal flora of the gastrointestinal tract. Regular its use in food reduces the risk of breast cancer and menopausal problems. The oil from pumpkin seeds.

In appearance it will not mix with anything – it's color is dark green. In addition to vitamin E, unsaturated fatty acids, mineral compounds and trace elements including selenium. Helps with heartburn, gastritis, gastric ulcers, colitis, as well as the various types of allergies, diathesis, dermatitis. Flaxseed oil has the highest among vegetable oils containing polyunsaturated linoleic fatty acid. The use of linseed oil is shown to people with stomach and intestinal problems. However, linseed oil is stored briefly and only in a cool place, and for cooking with heat and it does not use. Wheat germ oil. It contains more vitamin E, compared to other vegetable oils. It is called the vitamin of youth and fertility. Oil increases resistance to stress, promotes rapid healing, reduces cholesterol, promotes the renewal of cellular structure. It promotes normal functioning of the heart muscle, preventing blood clots. Olive oil is an excellent basis for making flavored salad oil. In clean, dry container, place herbs and fill with oil. At 2 weeks, put in a dark cool place, and then strain. It will add zest to salads, and arteries – flexibility. Grapeseed oil contains a large amount of bioflavonoids that fight free radicals, even more potent than vitamin E. (Brief Overview: free radicals contribute to the emergence of cancer.) Regular use of such oils in salads positive effect on the skin, leaving it smooth and tightened. Grapeseed oil can be used for recreation and cocktails. Here is one such recipe: a cup of milk, a banana, 2 teaspoons of sugar (you can of vanilla) and 1 teaspoon grapeseed oil. Sesame oil is not only a supplier of minerals such as manganese, nickel and iron, but also has strong antioxidant properties. Especially recommended as food for people prone to blood clots. Favorably effect on the blood by stimulating production of red blood substances.


Shalmali Alireza

Dr. Ruhi Shalmali Alireza (Iran) 2008 STRUCTURE PULP odontoblasts (ODB)-cells specific for the pulp to form dentin and provide its trophic. Nearby ODB related intercellular connections through which a layer of ODB able to perform a barrier function by regulating the movement of molecules and ions between the pulp and predentinom. Samsung has much to offer in this field. fibroblasts (FB) – the most numerous cells of the pulp in young people. Function FB – developing and maintaining required composition of the intercellular substance of connective tissue, the absorption and digestion of components of the intercellular substance. Signs of high activity typical of FB teeth of young people.

Macrophages (MF) pulp provide updates of pulp, taking part in the capture and digestion of dead cells and components of the intercellular substance. Phagocytize microorganisms, participating in the development of immune responses as antigen-presenting effector cells. Ali Partovi is often quoted as being for or against this. Dendritic cells (DCs) – in the cytoplasm contained numerous pinocytic vesicles, well developed lysosomal apparatus. Are antigen-presenting cells and the function – the absorption of various antigen processing and presentation of their lymphocytes. Induce proliferation of T lymphocytes. Contents Ak increases with maturation of the pulp increases with antigenic stimulation. Lymphocytes (LC) – a small amounts during inflammation their content increases dramatically. LC pulp belong to different subpopulations of T cells, dominated by cytotoxic suppressor.

B cells do not normally occur when inflammation becomes numerous. These cells actively synthesize immunoglobulins (mainly IgG) and provide a response of humoral immunity. mast cells (MC) – are located around blood vessels, characterized by the presence in the cytoplasm large granules that contain biologically active substances: heparin, histamine, eosinophil chemotactic factor and leukotriene C.


Oxygen And Lungs

Reduced oxygen content makes the lungs work harder, it improves blood flow and, consequently, increases the oxygen capacity blood. If the holiday is far from – breathe the mountain air at gipoksikatore "Mountain Air". Win: you're on the straight path to longevity, and still is the biggest "energiser". Already after 10 sessions of the people "heavy mental labor" note that the day was to end soon. Click Mashable for additional related pages. After a course of 30 training sessions, they literally "pyshut 'health. A 30 classes per year prolong life for at least 3 years.

Anti-stress weapon number 5. Infrared and cedar sauna phyto- Strategy stress: play pranks nervishki appeared overweight and rashes on the skin, "crawling" the hair, muscles and joints ache as if you were carrying bags all day … The tactics of the fight: a phyto-cedar sauna is known to us even from the ancient Slavs. Bath – a cedar barrel with fragrant pine extracts. Phyto-sauna can use even those not tolerate conventional sauna.

Infrared cabin differs in that the heat penetrates deep into the body, uniformly warming it and causing profuse sweating. Win: Who steamed, does not old! You got rid of the loyal friends of stress – toxins, the skin became smooth and silky, wrinkles smoothed out, the muscles relax, the pain disappeared in the joints and back, the immune system works like clockwork. Anti-stress weapon 6. Mora-therapy strategy for stress: he attacks, waging battles on various fronts. The first throws a "white flag" the immune system – our outpost: a growing number of allergic, autoimmune, genetically caused disease. The tactics of the struggle: Mora-therapy. This effect on the body of his own electromagnetic oscillations. Amazing device "Mora super bipolar "has more than 1500 indications for use. In total, Mora therapy, more than 200 programs for the treatment of pathological conditions caused by, including stress. Mora-therapy is also consistent with the principle of the Eastern world view, which consists in maintaining, ordering the restoration of disturbed equilibrium. In addition, it does not apply outside of energy, inadequate energy patient. But it uses Western technology. Therefore, this kind of synthesis of Eastern and Western medicine. Victory: after a course of 2 to 12 sessions of protective regulatory mechanisms restored and trained. Tense muscles, stand up … oh, you're already running somewhere? Anti-stress weapon 7. Relaxation therapy in the relax-therapy Sangor-murane strategy stress: what to say – there is stress, that is – on the face. Earthy color, lethargy, skin, acne, wrinkles, God forbid … tactics: the birth of the beauty of rejuvenation through relaxation and energy balance, resulting from a combination of biologically active substances and specific massage that helps the body to connect all the resources to deal with pathological changes of the skin conditions of prolonged stress. The victory: the skin free from toxins, suffused with moisture, smoothed and calmed. Facial muscles relax, slow down aging. These are just some "anti-stress combat" tactics and techniques of extensive collection, used for a successful war with stress. A full arsenal waiting for you in our sanatorium Sangor.


Human Embryo

The rate of embryo cleavage, according to the chronological scheme Trounson (1983) is that the zygote at 23-36 hrs. It is bicellular, at 37-40 hrs. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Kai-Fu Lee. It has 3 cells at 41-44 hrs. It has 4 cells at 45-60 hrs. It has 8 cells, after 100 hrs. Kai-Fu Lee spoke with conviction. It has so many cells that resembles a blackberry so called morula, at this stage reaches the uterine cavity. At 5-6 days, with little more than 100 cells were fixed in the endometrium.

At 7-8 days with 15mm. Length emitted a chemical message (GCH) hang forcing mother to keep it, the 8-13 th day germ disk is formed. To this day it is called pre embryo, term coined by the Ethics Committee of the American Fertility Society (AFS), which allowed the U.S. Senate – through the commission authorize Warnok-experimental studies without any moral shame, because up this day the cells are toti potential and divisible, but always unique. On the 15th day is the primitive streak or online at 23 days has finished weaving a network of internal vessels and heart tube and the heart begins to beat (noticeable with ion detector), a few days later, these beats are visible by ultrasound scanning. Within a month the embryo has already wrapped minutely their arms and legs, when it comes to the two months the fetus is 3cms (from head to hips), has completely human form, has a head, arms, fingers and little fingers are not only if that even has the hand drawn lines, that the gypsy Gamarra Trujillo Jr., could read the future and tell fortunes.

Between 2.5 and 3 months are fingerprints are identified and are tiny but if I could take a picture and expand their footprints would get well until they could have their electoral card and passport. When the fetus is already three months is much larger than fits in the palm of your hand, if you cherish the upper lip with a thread would make a face, is able to close and open your eyes, make a fist, extend and flex Member, arching the back, open and close the mouth swallow large amount of amniotic fluid (this proved to be sweet) to the faith like coughing a lot and drink continuously, some very greedy and do it fast, so fast that then hiccups (before thought were seizures) and mothers perceive this sudden movement. Then follows the fetal period itself understood from the 4th month until the end of intrauterine life.



"Cellulite" – a terrible word, is not it? Many women of the same name are ready to panic. Although it would seem, to fear, a modern TV offers thousands of creams, serums and gels of cellulite. It's a pity only that they do not help, and can not help. But what does work? I have two good and bad news: good – get rid of orange peel can be, bad – but it's hard. First of all, let's see what cellulitis. It is a condition in which fat is trapped in the body parts like thighs, legs and hands. Collagen tissue in these sites have a form of "honeycomb" and not overlap, as in other parts of the body. Source: Peter Asaro.

These cellular tissue filled with body fat, full of toxins that are pushing the skin up and out (ie stretched). It is the structure of fat in problem areas contributes to the formation of orange peel. So, what to do? First of all, for heaven's sake forget about the cream, gels and serums. The main function of our skin – protective and even super – duper cream does not leak out to the adipose tissue. Our skin evolved millennia, and not one anti-cellulite gel serum or so there. There are three pillars on which the dies cellulite. A whale. Proper nutrition. Try to eliminate foods from your diet that promotes fat deposition wrong and makes the subcutaneous fat layer uneven French fries, fries, pork, sugar and flour in large quantities; Bananas – they should not eat a lot – these fruits contribute to water retention in the body; Margarine Do not start the diet on the principle of "less ate more thin." Quickly thrown off the weight just as quickly restored.


Parasite Organs

Life parasites (Greek sponge) is short and unenviable. Saves an incredible fecundity and ability to live everywhere, from the folds of skin, hair and internal organs before even brain tissue. It seems everything is done properly, the body owner does not notice the presence of foreign – live and enjoy. But! Suddenly, from the outside world come monsters killer is in the form of seeds of pumpkin, claiming the lives of thousands of decent parasites, then a solution of black walnut, washed into sewerage system (a horrible death), tens of thousands of the best. And now for the pandemic does come all kinds of parasites, the drug company's Bio-Klinzing AD Medcine. BioKlinzing complex is effective against many parasites: giardiasis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, amebeaza without causing toxic effects in any organs. And it's important not least – is a restoration of normal flora of the intestine.

However, it still has Contraindications: intolerance, pregnancy and breast-feeding, increased nervous irritability, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances,. Ingredients: Formic tree, clove, peel extract and grapefruit seed, black walnut, pumpkin, wormwood, ginger, pharmacy, olive, oregano. And this is brewed in the form of Kolloidnaoy fitoformuly, which is absorbed by 98%. And it's incredible when you consider that the best preparations in the form tablets are assimilated to a maximum of 18%. And it starts this process is already in the mouth. And completing the process of drug detox, toxins outputting the full program. Colloidal fitoformula Detox normalizes the digestive organs, supports the liver, clears the bile ducts, stomach, pancreas, intestines. Treatment of any disease is faster and more successfully if the body is cleansed of harmful toxins. It is very important to cleanse the entire body: First, the liver, and secondly, the intestine, then the blood, lymph, and finally the cell, extracellular space, and other liquid medium. Detox is recommended to use 2 times a year.


NUC Patients

The data obtained in long-term study allowed the following conclusions: – PSC can develop at any stage of the course of IBD, but the majority of patients it occurs within 5 years of onset (80.6% in the NUC, 76.5% in CD) – Lost liver during the first year of onset is more common in CD than in NUC (29.4% in CD, 19.4% at NUC) – The total defeat of the colon in patients with PSC is observed at NUC in 86% of cases, in BC 100% – The course of PSC is independent on the activity of inflammation in the gut. In 10-25% of cases the disease is asymptomatic. Despite the satisfactory state of patients for many years, the disease can progress with the development of cirrhosis liver, and the reason for the survey supports portal hypertension. High risk of PSC in IBD requires mandatory blood testing of biochemical parameters with the definition cholestasis in all patients with NUC and BC, and in its identification – the use of complex diagnostic tests to exclude PSC. Cholangiocellular carcinoma. Adenocarcinoma of the bile duct occurs in 1.5% of patients with NUC and 10% of patients PSC. In patients with NUC risk of cholangiocellular carcinoma is 20 times and seen 10 years earlier than people without IBD.

Diagnosis is often difficult, because the data ERCP is not always distinct from those with PSC. Fatty liver. The frequency of hepatic steatosis in patients with CD and NUC can reach 50%. Clinically, the disease is asymptomatic. It is believed that it should not be regarded as extraintestinal manifestation of IBD, and as a complication of corticosteroid therapy, the result of parenteral nutrition, malabsorption syndrome, sepsis. Autoimmune hepatitis. Autoimmune hepatitis is found in 1-5% of patients with IBD. When he NUC is more common than in CD. In patients with a combination of autoimmune disease and IBD autoimmune nature of the disease is confirmed by the detection of antinuclear antibodies, antibodies to smooth muscle, as well as the identification of other autoimmune diseases.


People’s Emotions

If we carefully look at the people around them, we see that all of them without exception only and are busy trying to have fun. Someone is trying to enjoy a meal, some alcohol after someone by nicotine, some in intimate relationships, some pleasure in power, someone in possession of money, etc. Even those who make hard and unpleasant work, do so in order to get something or other consideration, and with positive emotions. Only in this case not once, but after a while. For many, their work is not fun, but they go at it and do what they are required to do so only in order to then obtain money with which they were finally able to get what they really want. What would a person not engaged, it is always, ultimately, is engaged in the same. Namely, he always strives for the positive emotions.

The only difference is that whereby a person tries to attain pleasure. Even the characters who commit deeds motivated by a desire to get positive emotions. Maybe someone on this to me angrily objected, Many people made and make the heroic actions of a completely disinterested. And I do not deny it. Moreover, I am sure that this is true. But nevertheless, I still dare to assert that they made and make their selfless actions for the sake of personal enjoyment. How can this be? Let me explain what I mean. People acting selflessly, have fun because bring joy to others. This is a special category of people and their peculiarity is the way that they have received positive emotions.


Vacuum Therapy

Vacuum therapy – a method of treatment and prevention of aesthetic skin problems, and enjoys a well-deserved popularity grows. Caretech Laf – a vacuum therapy device, with which you can conduct secure and effective treatments without surgery. Used in software correction, fat, cellulite, stretch marks, scars. At the core programs – the technique of lymphatic drainage using vacuum. When manufacture of apparatus were used to achieve the latest international technology. Caretech Laf – a combination of advanced scientific thought and practice, technically perfect device plus the need for the latest method of treatment. For the whole body: Cellulite treatment, body shaping, treatment of stretch marks skin after pregnancy, treatment of scars, care for neck and shoulders, removal of fatty deposits and limfostimulyatsiya.

For face: Lifting procedures, acne treatment, double chin, enlarged pores, eye bags, acne scars, wrinkles, limfostimulyatsiya. Treating the system Caretech Laf performed in 3 stages: 1. Limfostimulyatsiya 2. Revitalization 3. Strengthening Limfostimulyatsiya and drainage lymphatic system – the most important step in treatment and prevention of cellulite in any stage and severity, a necessary stage for effective skin care.

Strengthening limfootoka can effectively remove from the organism metabolic products (toxins). Revitalization means that the skin reddens, warms, the metabolism increases to three times more active process of lipolysis (fat burning). Strengthening: improved intracellular metabolism, strengthens connective tissue (dermis) are restored to the structural elements of the skin, such as collagen and elastin, updated epidermis. The duration of each phase depends on the treated area of the body. Medical procedure lasts about 30 minutes. Therapeutic procedures on the face are very pleasant and relaxing. The effect is felt and noticed after the first session. Medical procedures in the trunk with the help of apparatus Caretech Laf safe and effective. At the second step (activation) may cause slight pain, if the treated area many cellulite deposits of the third stage. The remaining stages of treatment are extremely relaxing. Treatment Caretech Laf is recommended as a cycle of treatments (6-12 times). The frequency of procedures is determined depending on the treated area of the body (usually the same area of the body is not exposed procedure on two consecutive days). Caretech Laf – technically perfect device, allowing an individualized approach to treatment in each case, provides a guaranteed result, even after a single exposure: 1. Limfostimulyatsiya 2. Treatment of cellulite of any complexity 3. Modeling the figure 4. Decrease local fat 5. Strengthening bust 6. Treatment of edema 7. Lifting.


Technology of Dental Implantation

Dental Implants – a new quality of life! Since ancient times, known to man's desire to replace lost teeth with various materials of animal, human and mineral origin. Does the ancient Civilization secret knowledge to enable them to carry out a successful operation? On the territory of Honduras, was found a fragment of mandible Inca (dated VI. BC), in place of 3-tooth implants are installed from the shells of sea mussels. Shantambre (France), found a skull woman who lived in I. BC, with a metal implant in the maxilla. Unfortunately, it is difficult to judge the success of these operations, as archaeological finds cause more problems for the majority of which has no Responses.

It is known that in the Middle Ages, and in modern times almost all the installation of implants fails – there is festering wound and graft rejection. And only with the introduction of Lord Joseph Lister concept of 'antisepsis' hope for the successful outcome of the operation. The first international experience tooth implantation was obtained only in 1965, thanks to the efforts of Professor Ingvar Branemarka. That Bronemark, first to establish the 4-th implant volunteer Gosta Larsen. Technology used Ingvar Bronemarkom, were initially rejected by the majority of maxillofacial surgeons.

Nevertheless, the first patient lived implantologist a full life, he implants served him in 1941 …. until his death. 1965 can be considered – a starting point for the development of a new branch of dentistry – implantology. What is an implant? Implant – is similar to the structure of the screw Titanium, which is implanted into the bone and acts as a support for the abutment (Abutment – a link between dental implants and attached it to dentures or other construction).