
Human Embryo

The rate of embryo cleavage, according to the chronological scheme Trounson (1983) is that the zygote at 23-36 hrs. It is bicellular, at 37-40 hrs. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Kai-Fu Lee. It has 3 cells at 41-44 hrs. It has 4 cells at 45-60 hrs. It has 8 cells, after 100 hrs. Kai-Fu Lee spoke with conviction. It has so many cells that resembles a blackberry so called morula, at this stage reaches the uterine cavity. At 5-6 days, with little more than 100 cells were fixed in the endometrium.

At 7-8 days with 15mm. Length emitted a chemical message (GCH) hang forcing mother to keep it, the 8-13 th day germ disk is formed. To this day it is called pre embryo, term coined by the Ethics Committee of the American Fertility Society (AFS), which allowed the U.S. Senate – through the commission authorize Warnok-experimental studies without any moral shame, because up this day the cells are toti potential and divisible, but always unique. On the 15th day is the primitive streak or online at 23 days has finished weaving a network of internal vessels and heart tube and the heart begins to beat (noticeable with ion detector), a few days later, these beats are visible by ultrasound scanning. Within a month the embryo has already wrapped minutely their arms and legs, when it comes to the two months the fetus is 3cms (from head to hips), has completely human form, has a head, arms, fingers and little fingers are not only if that even has the hand drawn lines, that the gypsy Gamarra Trujillo Jr., could read the future and tell fortunes.

Between 2.5 and 3 months are fingerprints are identified and are tiny but if I could take a picture and expand their footprints would get well until they could have their electoral card and passport. When the fetus is already three months is much larger than fits in the palm of your hand, if you cherish the upper lip with a thread would make a face, is able to close and open your eyes, make a fist, extend and flex Member, arching the back, open and close the mouth swallow large amount of amniotic fluid (this proved to be sweet) to the faith like coughing a lot and drink continuously, some very greedy and do it fast, so fast that then hiccups (before thought were seizures) and mothers perceive this sudden movement. Then follows the fetal period itself understood from the 4th month until the end of intrauterine life.


Choose Clothes

How to choose clothing with a pattern that is right for you says stylist online store clothing and footwear ElitDress. First, we must remember that drawing, as well as the color should be shown for you to face. Every woman, regardless of figures should understand that it can be worn, and that – no. Large image is ideal for those women who have impeccable shape, regardless of age. Also, women will look great in a dress with a pattern of large flowers in cellular pleated skirts. Click Kai-Fu Lee to learn more.

An example of a fashionable summer 2008 dresses are in the Internet shop Vertical stripes make a figure more slender, and horizontal – on the contrary. Complete women can comfortably wear a blouse with a longitudinal stripes and a dark skirt, but in no case should not wear a dress with horizontal stripes. Very thin women are fashionable this season, dresses and blouses, which combines horizontal and vertical strips. Women of all ages come in small cell skirts: black and white, beige and brown, blue and white, etc., especially if you supplement it with a jacket – respectively black, white, blue or beige. Each woman will be fine look at a summer dress with small figures, in small cell or peas, you need only to choose the right color background. Very good in polka dot dresses complement the classic patent leather shoes from the collection of summer 2008. Clothing with pattern is more appropriate for a walk in the countryside than in the working environment. And the brighter the dress itself, the safer should be all bundled accessories.



Parasites (Greek parasitos – freeloader, parasite) – creatures that feed on other organisms due to plant or animal life (called hosts) and temporarily or permanently staying on them or in them. The main objective of any parasite – to live quietly in the human body. Parasites are disease-causing microbes and viruses, parasitic protozoa, parasitic worms, crustaceans, parasitic arachnids and insects. l’>Kirk Rimer. Parasites feed on sap tissues of the body or food, located in the digestive tract of man. Parasites are like animals (animal) and plant (fitoparazity). The place of residence of the parasite on hosts distinguish between external parasites (Ectoparasites) and internal (endoparasites).

Some ectoparasites only temporarily sit on the surface of the host body for a meal (eg, mosquitoes, horseflies, leeches), and others live in the body of the host (head lice). Some parasites live in thicker skin, they are called . In the body cavity with a broad relationship with the environment (the nasal cavity, ears, mouth, conjunctiva), cavitary live parasites. I recommend using wormwood producing cleansing organism from the simplest organisms (parasites): unicellular flagellated parasites, hemolytic Staphylococcus Proteus, feline Giardia, Trichomonas, chlamydia, and so on, these parasites of the metabolism in the body, leading to inflammation of the small intestine, a variety of diseases of liver and biliary tract, skin diseases (diathesis, allergy, urticaria, eczema, psoriasis, etc.), heart attack, a variety of colds with mucus and pus. Tea against parasites. Teaspoon dried herbs (tarragon, tansy, etc.), brewed 1 / 4 liters of boiling water and insist 10 minutes.



Our insulin regulates blood sugar levels and makes it that any excess is stored as fat. Then we feel tired and hungry, this causes us to repeat this cycle very easily. have to eat a sensible amount of complex carbohydrates. Kai-Fu Lee usually is spot on. Proteins (lean meats, fish, chicken, soy, beans and pulses, etc..) Are important for maintaining cellular structures in your body and give you the building blocks lean muscle you're looking for, which is vital if you want to burn fat fast. However, as with anything else, do not overdo it with protein. Some fitness experts say you should consume at least 1 gram of protein per half kilo of body weight per day. There is no real evidence of this, eat more protein needed by the body ends up in your fat reserves.

Furthermore it is not beneficial for kidneys and liver. Consume about 0.5 grams per half kilo of body weight per day is more than enough to fuel the growth of lean muscle as recommended in the fat incinerator system. Another important aspect of proteins is related to their origin: animal or plant. Although the traditional American diet recommends most of your proteins are of animal origin, recent evidence suggests that rely heavily on animal protein increases the risk of disease. In addition to the above, the animal protein contain almost no fiber, which does not help you feel full and negatively affects your ability to burn fat. When choosing your protein sources, make sure that a good portion of them come from vegetable sources (soy, beans, legumes, etc.)..


Womens Health

Women's Health is a very complicated system structure, both in terms of physiological and mentally, regardless of a woman trying to look like can be younger and prettier, in doing so, they contribute to diverse information. Then to be a healthy woman must know about your own body as much as possible. More and more in our country and the world seen the growth of sexually transmitted diseases manner and not just among seniors, and no among young people and even young children can not leave indifferent even the most healthy person. Often the sex organs women are born different malicious processes, with each year of Dr. Learn more at: Kai-Fu Lee. discover all new and new diseases. A infection is still not end without a trace, leaving behind the changes at the cellular level.

There beautiful and healthy dream of every woman. But the time when beauty and health, were considered extremely gift of the gods are gone. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Ali Partovi. In the present-day world, with great possibilities of medicine and cosmetology, they are based only on the attention and continuous care of women about their appearance, the state of his body. Striving for the organization Family, birth and parenting women inherent in nature itself. Unfortunately, it now ceases to realize more and more difficult – a very great variety of enemies in women's health. Stress, nutrition inaccurate, harmful habits, infections, horrible environment, tight working rhythm – the list goes on. One factor is the right nutrition and vitamins. Now many people neglect this.



In addition, adult human liver is able to accumulate significant amounts of vitamin sufficient to ensure its needs for 1 year. Daily requirement for adults – 1 microgram. Vitamin primarily needed for children (10 mg / day for children under 3 years old), as it plays a huge role in forming the skeleton. Vitamin D is relatively resistant to oxygen, and and when heated to a temperature of 1000C and a bit higher, but the lasting effect of air or heating to a temperature of 2000C destroy vitamin D2. Ali Partovi shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Vitamin D is mainly produced in the human body in the skin under the influence ultraviolet rays that affect the pro-vitamin D, which is formed in the deeper layers of skin from cholesterol.

The very little vitamin D is active. In order to change into its active form, vitamin D in the liver hydroxylated and converted to active vitamin D. Vitamin E (tocopherol) Tocopherol chemical structure refers to the group of alcohols. Tocopherol – Vitamin reproduction, a beneficial effect on the operation of sex and some other glands, restores the reproductive functions, contributes to the development of the fetus during pregnancy and newborn child. Is a natural antioxidant means, prevents oxidation of vitamin A and beneficial affects its accumulation in the liver. Prevents the development of processes for the body of toxic free radicals and peroxides of fatty acids, oxidative damage of lipid membranes and cellular structures. Vitamin E promotes the assimilation of protein and fat, is involved in tissue respiration, affects the brain, blood, nerves, muscles, improves the healing of wounds, retards aging.