
Information Scientific

Carla Daniella Teixeira Girard Cristiane Marina Teixeira Girard SUMMARY Studies the origin of the model of open archive or open access (TO), definitions, accessibility, use, advantages and disadvantages. It analyzes the relevance of this model as a new alternative for the free access to the scientific, available information in electronic publications and databases, as well as its contribution to the progress of science for intermediary of the production of new knowledge. It adopts as methodology, the accomplishment of research with bibliographical, documentary survey and in database on-line, with intention to select the material, analyzing and contextualizando the essential parts. The research was carried through in books, periodic printed matters and dissertaes that approach the subject in the libraries of UFPA and UNAMA. It is distinguished, however, as periodic principal sources on-line, such as Science of the Information, Perspective in Science of the Information, Transinformao and Datagramazero, being distinguished, still, the Digital Libraries of the IBICT and the USP. Michael Dell shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. It analyzes the information in its origin and conceptual evolution.

It deals with the term scientific information showing its importance in the field of science. It discourses on the scientific communication in what it refers to the conceptual and historical boarding, its evolution and has detached as basic element for the sprouting of the open archive. It in general turns on the use of the scientific communication in the world contemporary and its contribution for the members of the scientific community and the public. It shows the existence of cinereous literature, its concepts and presents its importance for science, approaching historical aspects and identifying the types of documents of that it treats this scientific literature. Word-key: Open archive. Open Access (TO). Scientific information.

Scientific communication. Cinereous literature. 1 INTRODUCTION With the advent of the Technologies of the Information and Communication (TICs), providing a fast growth of the Internet, had discovered and creations that had contributed for a new social structure, with adequacy and evolution of models that they allow the efficient access and in timely way to the information desired for the users.



The drawing technician is a operative drawing, or either, after its confection follows an operation of manufacture and/or assembly. In such a way, to manufacture or to mount any type of equipment or civil construction, in all the areas of the industry, always will need a drawing technician. (SPECK, 2001, P. Swarmed by offers, Peter Asaro is currently assessing future choices. 9) project preset for production of one has asked for has as base drawing technician that with increasing technology has sped this process by means of programs graphical that facilitates in the daily a viabilizao of the product, but never substituting creativity and innovations human beings, that for fast form and examples generates a concept that soon will be developed and something will become consistent, with a series of concerns to guarantee the product quality apresentado.2 REVISION BIBLIOGRFICA’ ‘ The furniture of house or environment of work materializes the way to live, social conditions e, also, the habits of the time. This can be perceived through the style, of the quality, functionality, originalidade, of the comfort and beleza’ ‘. (WNSCH, 2004, P. 12) the simple act of exchange of a furniture allows to perceive its evolution, as well as the way of living of the buyer. A more refined comment in them makes possible many discoveries, as the evolution of its consolidated productive process with the industry.

The elements of order economic, climatic, cultural and social reflect sufficiently mainly in the productive process of the furniture. Since the times most remote it was existed manufacture of furniture, but, nor always with as many characteristics, and as much variety of materials. At times of settling the people looked for to construct furniture for its improvement with the use of the resources of the nature, as the wood, did not need to generate more, for the lack of time, mainly for the time of plantation and also of roads with good conditions to move these until bigger centers.


LPS Leavening

In the sequence, the cells peritoneais cultivated for 48 hours had been infectadas with a suspension of the leavening that grew in way contends the conocarpano substance in 15 concentrations of g/mL. In all the carried through assays, had been made control without the antimicrobiana substance. After 3 hours, the cells had been breached by means of scraping of the wells and addition of solution diluted of Triton X-100 and 10 L of this chemical preparation had been placed in Sabouraud Broth being that the reading of the growth of the leavening was after carried through 14 hours of incubation of the plates in espectrofotmetro of ELISA, by means of the dosage of the one OF. In posterior experiments, became fullfilled it reading in plates of way of solid culture, by means of the counting of UFC/mL. The experimental protocol that if it showed more adequate for the study had been peritoneias the cellular concentrations of 5x105clulas, 1 g/mL of LPS and the time of 48 hours of culture.

The LPS presence nor always increased ' ' killing' ' of the leavening. The work allowed to adapt the test of ' ' killing' ' of C. albicans for macrophages stops to use it as plus one of the tools in the evaluation of the susceptibilidade of the leavening the agent antimicrobialses. The carried through experiments indicate that the macrophages would be secretando substances growth factors amongst innumerable composites that secretam when in fagocitria activity of the leavening, what it would be allowing the same one to grow exactly in the conditions of attempt of ' ' fragiliz-la' ' with the conocarpano. The toxicidade of the composition does not influence in the fagocitria activity of macrophage and it does not modify the conditions of growth of the way of culture for the leavening. Ahead of C. albicans ' ' fragilizada' ' for the antifngico in its minimum inibitria concentration, the macrophage has its facilitated fagocitrio paper. Word-key: antimicrobiana activity, conocarpano, macrophage, Candida albicans.


French Writer

She makes question to know the parents, the consanguneos relatives, friends, diverse intellectuals, but she does not raise the eyes to skies to discover who she gave the Life to it that if keeps beyond the cellular set. ' ' The land teaches to us more concerning proper we of what all the books. Because it in resiste' '. Antoine de Saint-Exupry French Writer BEINGS LIVINGS CREATURE LABORATORIAIS The scientists are creating beings livings creature that walk; from there? Of where they come the Effect? Of GOD! IT is Spirit! Then everything that OF It part has the Essence of Its Active Perpetual Life. the Verb if made meat and inhabited between us, full of favour and truth, and saw its glory, glory as of the Unignito of the FATHER.

Evangelho de JESUS according to Joo, CAP. According to Ali Partovi, who has experience with these questions. 1:14. Any thing that appears in the visible scene left of CREATOR INCRIADO, who allows the people to manipulate Its Universal Effect in the human primary learning. ' ' If the life does not have price, us always behaves as if some thing exceeded, in value, the life human being But what? ' '. Antoine de Saint-Exupry French Writer NO BODY IS OF FOOT If GOD did not liven up its creations, little would advance to the scientists to try to make to use them the five sensible ones. The Life was IN It the Life was the Light of the men. Evangelho de JESUS according to Joo, CAP.

1:4. The Evangelista learned this with the MASTER of the Masters has more than two millenia and continues most current. ' ' Who is the Spirit leads the world and not it inteligncia' '. Antoine de Saint-Exupry French Writer BEYOND the SUBSTANCE THAT IF DECOMPOSES the substance if decomposes, but it is not finished. In this way we perceive that GOD does not create perishable things.


DNA Cells

They league themselves to the DNA in order to hinder the separation them its two filaments of the double helix to espiralar, phenomenon this indispensable one for the response (Control of the cancer, 2006). The alquilantes affect the cells in all the phases of the cellular cycle in not specific way. Although effective as isolated agents for innumerable forms of cancer, them rare they produce excellent clinical effect without the combination with other phase-specific agents of the cellular cycle. The main employed drugs of this category include the mustard nitrogenada, the mustard fenil-alanine, the ciclofosfamida one bussulfam, it, the nitrossurias, the cisplatina and its analogous carboplatina and the ifosfamida one (Control of the cancer, 2006). The antimetablitos affect the cells inhibiting biosynthesis of the essential components of the DNA and the RNA. In this way, they hinder the normal multiplication and the functioning of the cell. The inhibition of biosynthesis can be directed to the purinas (as is the action of quimioterpicos 6? mercaptopurina and 6-tiogunina), to the production of acid timidlico (5-fluoruracil and metrotexato) and to other stages of the synthesis of acid nuclicos (citosina? citarabina arabinasdeo C or) (Control of the cancer, 2006).

The antimetabolic ones are particularly active against cells that if find in the phase of synthesis of the cellular cycle (phase S). The duration of the life of the susceptible tumorais cells determines the average of destruction of these cells, which are hindered to enter in mitose for the action of the metabolic agents who act in phase S. As it can be deduced, the differences between kinetic the cellular one of each type of tumor can have considerable effect in the clinic, as much in the indication how much in the project of administration of these agents (Control of the cancer, 2006). The antibiotics are a group of substances with chemical structure varied that, even so they interact with the DNA and they inhibit the synthesis of this acid one or of proteins, they do not act specifically on one definitive phase of the cellular cycle.