
Buenos Aires

My papers say that I was born in Avellaneda, Buenos Aires city. Years ago however I feel more part of the nomad community. As if my life had a temporary setback to the prehistory of humanity. I’m going through the cities collecting fruits, advancing without sense in a becoming of places that I remember. I’ve been through so many cheap hotels that everyone seems to me equal.

If the reception person is a pretty girl, usually seeking to become intimate with her. I introduce myself as someone serious, but then I’m to the point directly. Sometimes due to the success of the conquest I have managed to not pay the stay or halving the rate. I have so many stories about cheap hotels that could spend hours just talking about them. I have also stopped in family homes, even slept in the street in more than one destination. But I can assure that no history of hosting compares with which they’ve lived in cheap hotels and step. I remember one where I walked like ghost in the hallways, were so great that corridor that one could take more than five minutes to arrive from one end to the other.

He walked slowly, trying to guess who was staying on the other side of each door. I was wondering if they would be humble but happy families. Perhaps it was a clandestine couple who should hide in places like these to melt in the more forbidden desires. Few times I have come to listen to the screams of unbridled passion. But the mere idea of guess between the sheets filled my head of an inexplicable joy. I’ve been in cheap hotels where served breakfasts of Kings. In those cases, I get up early. Try to arrive on time in which comes the girl with pitchers full of milk and freshly brewed coffee. I try to drink several cups of each product. The first is always pure coffee and sugar-free. I’m looking for its pungent flavor to finish opening my eyes and get rid of sleepy clumsiness of the body. Then prepare a bowl with enough milk and little coffee. SIP it slowly, usually accompanied by two or three toasts. If there is to prepare chocolate, usually do not miss me it. Chocolate gives energy to endure all day without bite. And then, before departing, complete a large glass of orange juice to strengthen defenses. Once I’m ready, I go back to the street with my luggage in tow, you never know if I will go back to sleep in the same place. At this moment I have in hand a passage of train that I changed by an expensive watch. I think that it brings me to the other side of the border of the country in which I am. If you only knew the language, things here origin simpler. Original author and source of the article.


Managing The Goals Collateral Effect

The majority of those are proposed goals without previously deeply analyze the changes that the achievement of this goal will bring, between greater it goal ourselves will grow in the same dimension, but it is recalled that great targets modify the universe that we live. All additional circumstances is implicit in the achievement of one goal is called collateral effect of goals and this effect is unavoidable, that is whenever a person achieves something causes changes in your family, their environment, their relationships, etc. Then the important thing is manage positively the collateral goals effect as Andrew Corentt mentions it in his book the secret of the power of goals. To contribute the collateral effect of a goal it is necessary to make a detailed analysis of the implications that will have the materialization, for example, if a person intends to change city or country with an opportunity for professional growth, must consider adapting to the climate, customs, language, new people, etc. You must also overcome the barriers of being away from your family and your identity sociocultural, many people cannot tolerate the side effects and end up giving up your goal, simply because they do not sufficiently analysed the additional effects that implied the achievement of the goal. A way of avoiding a negative side effect of a goal considerably is developing a precise methodology in the formulation of the goal in this respect Andrew Corentt in his book the secret of the power of the goals clearly shows us all aspects involving the achievement of a goal.

It is well known that people who have success in any area of your life have appropriately used the formulation of goals of precise, clear and effective. The odds of success when there is an orientation are almost nil, so it is important to know the correct formulation of the goal, in addition to the secrets inside of individuals to make that goal have been proposed again an irresistible idea, an idea with power. A powerful goal is an idea that is installed in the subconscious mind and has absolute certainty of achievement, is important to achieving our goal to take power, which become an irresistible idea in our life. Once we make our goal a powerful idea, everything will happen in our favor and we will use the benefits of side effects to benefit mostly. Discover techniques to make their goals formulated properly, then make that the side effects of the same benefit us, immediately restore the same is powerful and irresistible, then already we are ready to receive, obtain, benefit us, of our dreams and desires. You can achieve everything you want, discover the hidden power in the formulation and realization of goals with the book the secret of the power of the goals of Andrew Corentt, visit the following page and positively transform your life. original author and source of the article.


The Distraction

Yes, it’s true: should start only to build your Web site once you know it is going to sell and have written your sales letter. In such a way that the design of your site will facilitate the sales process. The most important part that should be in! account when designing your Web site is to keep it SIMPLE!. You have only 10 seconds to capture attention in the moment that someone comes to your Web site if they will not, go, and not ever see again them. Some important to bear in mind tips: choose a flat like Arial or Verdana font. Use black text on a white background.

Make sure your navigation is clear and simple, and include a sitemap (Sitemap). Avoid striking use or the distraction of flash or audio (using the video and audio is acceptable only as a support, because it rather than distracts from her message). Be sure to include an OPT-IN form to collect the names and emails of their visitors in return offer them something useful, like a free subscription to a monthly newsletter or a free report containing useful information. If you train a little HTML and design yourself your site, or hiring a designer to do it for yourself, your goal isn’t to mislead its visitors, must guide them gradually and step by step to through the purchasing process. Make it easy to buy him, and will do it! Step #4: Use the most powerful search engines on the network to generate tons of traffic to your Web site.

Now that you have your site built, it is time to begin to sell. But how to get traffic to a new website? The answer is: search engines!. About 90% of users begin with free search engines at the time of search for information online, so you must be sure that your site is positioned in the highest places possible lists.



Another important factor to assess is the use of the internet in the relationship with customers and suppliers, since only 6% of the micro enterprise employs the internet as a tool of business, small 52% use it and in the median 73%. Another factor identified is the use of computer in technical processes or equipment design, where 4% of micro used it, in small 38% and median 58% 6 as we have seen considerable progress in the adoption of the technology, however, still exists there are areas of opportunity for SMEs can consolidate your business relying on the possibilities that can provide you with the T I C, such as timely and reliable information, instant communication, and breaking with the barriers of time and distance, among others. As you can appreciate the widespread use of the C I T goes depending on the size of the company, assuming that it has greater growth of the company and better understanding of the business, the I C T have greater acceptance in all areas of the business. . Conclusion the T I C is necessary that they can save time in the process, allow insight into the behavior of the business, and help shorten distances and times in relationships with customers and suppliers.