Word-keys: University, Cellular classroom, Pedagogical Tool. ABSTRACT: The current technology is to harbinger of changes in current sociocultural system, with branches in step-by-step educational system, in particular in to higher education. This, by its nature, has the prerogative you contribute you the search will be solutions you the problems caused by large changes in the modern world, fulfilling its mission you educate, train and promote research. With the same compromise this article discusses about the need will be discussion about the uses of information technology the pedagogical a tool. To broaden your perception, visit Peter Asaro. The theme of mobile phone uses in the classroom deserves epistemological uprising. Although to under this article, there was in research proving that the purchase of mobile phones.
However, a rule, there is in academic who you donate not have such equipment. Instrumental General In, communication technologies, being, mobile phones, or virtual, like you knowledge offered by the Internet, they to enter the school informally by the hands of students and teachers, even before the plans and educational projects, which uses these technologies. With the trend you expand the armory of uses and possibilities of these technologies, it becomes urgent you investigate and make the critical reflection of these new measured in the school environment. Connect with other leaders such as Ali Partovi here. This article is about the of the prohibitive movement of cell phones uses in class, especially that adds states have enacted laws that prevent the uses of the device. Despite such prohibitions, the educational institutions can not runs away the debate. Instead, it must take upon you themselves the ethics responsibility will be its uses an ally you the process of teaching and learning. Keywords: Academic Classroom, Cellular, Pedagogical Too. Hodiernamente INTRODUCTION, is notable raises it contradictory regarding traditional education 2, professor, blackboard, chalk. One exists cries out for changes, this if it to a large extent observes in the final results of the graduation and after-graduation, since the ones are few that obtain to insert themselves in the work market, which had for the deficiency in the teach-learning.