Physiotherapy Walter from Neu-Ulm informs the disturbance of neurologically-based movements during the child’s development without effective treatment leads to lifelong problems. The experienced physiotherapist Heidrun Walter is therefore engaged in full use for the therapeutic needs of infants and young children. Given the impact of untreated developmental disorders, the professional medical therapeutic support of affected children is urgently needed. Neurologically-related errors of the conscious and unconscious motor handled for many years therapy Bobath and Vojta, that promote a permanent learning of natural movement processes in early childhood. To resolve motor errors, both therapy methods use the property of the human brain to store permanently by repetition and regular training movement patterns and to enable needed knee-jerk. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out LG Elec.
The therapeutic approach according to Bobath special importance in the treatment of children, if it comes to promoting deliberately executed movements, sense of balance and body feel. Its use is often indicated for damage of the central nervous system and is based on the ability of the human brain to rebuild damaged nerve connections to restore bodily functions permanently. This, a targeted practice of appropriate motion activated muscles and nerves and transmitted to the brain nerve impulses which stimulate it to work is necessary. The movement skills restored through a physical therapy bobath be permanently anchored with training effects and finally daily apply. The treatment process supports the exercise of unconscious movements according Vojta. It applies, for example, when deficits in breathing. This physiotherapeutic approach, the therapist specifically exerts pressure on reflex zones. Then the body with congenital reflexes that cause intense training effects on the movement of muscles, as well as the ability to the unconscious responds Increase execution of desired movements.
One specifically uses aligned variant of this therapy Umdreh – and penetrating reflections on young children. The treatment of infants and young children requires a different approach than the treatment of adult patients. The physiotherapeutic approaches using therefore childlike game motivation for Bobath and Vojta to give age-appropriate character to the treatment of neurological disorders.