La Sexta, Mediapro belonging to the group of left-wing ideology, whose identity is Public largest newspaper, joins with Antena 3, belonging to the Metro, right-wing ideology, whose diary more identification is the reason. It is certainly a union that leaves no one indifferent. It is the union of two communication groups Spanish to extremes, totally different with regard to ideology, but with the same goal, profit. With respect to the merger closed and Telecinco Four and we find two groups of communication with important differences. First, is Four, part of the Prisa group, and the other Telecinco, part of Mediaset group, led by Berlusconi. Both very different ideologies.But this merger who has been the best part of the cake Undoubtedly, Mediaset, thanks to this merger, will control 81.7 of the shares of the new company. Grupo Prisa, former owner of Channel Four, it is currently 18.3 . Furthermore, il caballiere group gets 22 of the shares of Digilat . We do not know how this merger will affect the ideological line of the media involved, especially four, with fewer shares. What we can say now is that this merger will mean a greater concentration in the Spanish media structure, causing a lower plurality of information. Every time we have more media in fewer hands and that makes more vulnerable the activity of media. Read more at: