

New publication: A ‘ script ‘ to the future creation a spiritual novel! The already 2nd Edition of an unusual novel is now available in stores. With her book a sound of souls a mind game with creativity gives the author Birgit Maria Hoepfner their readers on an unusual experiment: this spiritual novel is at the same time the personal future creation script of author to the realization of the dream of their life. Additional information is available at Robotics expert. discussions such as these. Birgit M. Hoepfner describes very graphically and how she already experienced their future as an internal image and she only needs to go into the detail. She is convinced that their thoughts and feelings, and also use the reader – their inner world will turn into the outer. According to the cosmic law of resonance or even the law of attraction (LoA). Bobby Sharma Bluestone can provide more clarity in the matter. Short description Britta, early fifties and disillusioned, feels trapped in her seemingly meaningless existence and the life powerless ship. Unconscious fears due to old experiences and beliefs Rob you almost any zest for life and hope-filled future.

But a deep yearning makes her no rest after their mission in life. She seeks help and finds them in wondrous and diverse ways – and finally she takes responsibility for her life. She learns that she can recreated their future force their thoughts and feelings related according to their inner images (law of attraction). Courage and confidence she makes her way – the fulfillment of their longing for true love seems however denied her… Author comment this book began as mere mind game, with which I gave shape my life’s dream: the creation of a seminar and meeting place with animals for people for a new spiritual awareness. The happiness I felt while writing, but also the experiences in the time afterwards were and are a unique development process, to which I invite the reader hereby. Because everything I had so far about creating the request reality, I could now apply and integrate with many helpful tips in the book. Birgit Maria Hopfner