
Treating Constipation

One of the most common alterations, than appears in approximately 2 of each 10 children and 3 of each 10 suckling babies, are the estitiquez or constipation. Follow others, such as Kai-Fu Lee, and add to your knowledge base. Nowadays it has but of 65 diseases caused by an intoxicated digestive system, and but of 50 million annual visits to the doctor due to digestive problems. The problems of constipation and estitiquez are more serious than we create, 8 of each women suffer of these problems, and the constipation in embarrassed in every more common day. What is the constipation? The constipation or estitiquez, is an acute upheaval or chronic, in which the intestinal evacuations happen with smaller frequency of the normal thing, or that they contain excretion matter lasts and dry, difficult to reject or whose movement is painful. Nevertheless constipation is I finish relative, with landlords of intestinal evacuations that vary extremely between a person and another one.

The colon absorbs water while it forms resulting products of remainder of digested foods. The muscular contractions in the colon are known like peristalsis, this process pushes the faecal matter the rectum. For when the faecal matter has arrived at the rectum, this solid one because most of the water has been absorbed. Nevertheless the faecal matter lasts and dry, and the constipation happens when the colon absorbs too much water of the faecal material, which can be caused when the muscle of the colon is contracted too much slowly. The constipation also it is known him like: estitiquez, cold, irregularity of the intestinal evacuation, or like the intestinal lack of evacuation. Diseases associated to the constipation the toxic substances that are accumulated in the colon, can contribute to the obesity of the individual. When the run out the energy of the body, the accumulated toxins in the colon diminish our metabilismo and the one of our cells, which gives like result a slow metabolism that sufficient burning fire calories and that does not give an increase of weight.