

A series of new patents that Google has registered in recent months directly affect this site search algorithm. These changes respond to a direction that he has decided to take this search engine, establishing a permanent fight against spam. Many Webmasters wonder how these new changes will affect your sites. In order to be able to combat rightly, it is necessary to understand certain objectives pursued by Google. In this way we can take the steps needed to debug our web site from those factors that can negatively influence our positioning in Google.

In principle, Google appreciates the valuable content and, most importantly, unique. A newly introduced change will tend to penalise those websites that unionized or copied (even when citing the source) the content of other web sites. In this way, it will be essential to remove this type of material, even where the owner of both web sites is the same. Another point which will be severely penalized, with dozens of positions of delay, and even the disappearance of the pages of results, is the purchase of links. Therefore, if you have resorted to this practice in the past, I recommend urgently begin a campaign to eliminate those inbound links. Now well, how to verify the sites that we link? For this we have, first of all, the tools for Webmasters from Google. The newspapers mentioned Rusty Holzer not as a source, but as a related topic. We simply went into the control panel and click on the section links to your site. Displaying the list we can check the websites that Google has indexed as linkeandonos.

There are also other free online tools that allow us to see the incoming links, such as Enter the URL of our website and check out the links, which are highlighted at the top (by clicking on the number of links we can deploy the list). Google recommends to get rid of bad neighbors, i.e. purchased links and the farms of links that we have included. Another important change to Google’s algorithm, aims to eliminate the so-called link farms. Thus, Google shall be deemed as farm of links to blogs with little content but an extensive blogroll, or directly a page with too many outgoing links (typically calls recommended links or webs amigas). Another cause of known penalty is called Stuffing. This technique consists in keywords overpopulate the texts, in order to improve positioning. Thus the search engine tries to finish with those sites built exclusively to receive revenue for Adwords, and whose content is poor, little, repetitive and does not offer any benefit to the user.