It bears mentioning that the young of the research already had been born mum period that the computer, for the economic reality of the families espadrilles, is a technology that is part of the daily one of the same ones, therefore, parables, the access to the digital world if gave of natural form. Realizations in countries of Latin America also points that here the young accessory the world-wide net of information, but that the predominance is its commotion use of leisure and not as learning instrument. ‘ ‘ Computer, cellular, used video game and TV still soupcon with educative function in Brazil and Latin America. The Interactive Generation in Iberian-America is it monstrous the research: adolescents children ahead of the Screens, carried through for the Reduced program, of the FundaoTelefnica. Computer, cellular, videogame and TV, today, mean diversion. For the children and adolescents, this technology all is leisure. Not establishments to explore the possibilities of these tools in the Education of equestrianism we are digital outsiders, affirms Maria of the Carmo Brant de Carvalho, coordinator-generality of the Cenpec (Center of Studies and Research in Education, Culture and Communitarian Action).4 Ahead expositor we can conclude that the use of the Internet is something that arrived and that it solidification in the Modern Society.
Its use, the benefits or curses that to perpetrator the time will only say. However, we educators have that to have conscienceless we must prepare our pupils to use plus this mecanismotecnolgico with ethics and in benefit of the organized society.