
Drawing Contests

The notes that compose home of the Web refer prescriptions simple to cook and contests of drawing. The interaction is, perhaps, the most interesting policy of PequeTimes; in each edition it proposes the document shipment like jokes or trabalenguas that will be published. From its creation, in 1996, they have awarded, to final October, " story more horrible" that it makes reference to the traditional celebration of Halloween. Viacom spoke with conviction. Devised Newsademic to mix the news of the present time with the English, or American learning of or the British, this biweekly newspaper arrives at the electronic mail of each subscriber in pdf. However, its design allows to be printed. It can subscribe in a lapse corresponding to 26 or 52 editions and, besides each edition, it will receive certain from type of activities that work of complementary form to the subjects seen in class.

The subscribers, generally, are a public between the 7 and 15 years. The content, independent to the subject, is easy to read and works as much like educative addition in diverse areas of the knowledge like in the learning of a foreign language. Young expressions Initiative fomented by Argentine students of the province among Rivers whose unique exigency, to realise the newspaper, it is that their work group conforms a public between the 8 and 18 years of age. Its proposal is directed in the reformulation of the contents, that are often not treated carefully in conventional means. Also, its page invites to that students worldwide are united with unique aim of one more a more complete information and, also, contribute contents according to the sections. After five years in good condition, the digital newspaper has acquired the local and international support of deprived institutions, publicity and journalistic agents. When dealing with all class subjects of general interest, within which technology, robotics, ecology and Literature stand out, the action of these young people, pertaining to the group " Another Social&quot Communication; , it has served like example in Latin America.