Better to explain: a professor imagines who takes its pupils to computer science laboratory. The pupils are empolgados, thinking that they will have a different lesson. Then the professor asks for that the pupils open its books in such page and asks for so that they make a copy of the texts that are there, in the Word. IT WILL BE THAT THE LESSON THUS GOES TO BE SO LEGAL? OR IT GOES TO BE MONOTONOUS HOW MUCH TO THAT ONE OF PICTURE AND CHALK? Then it is this that we want to show, the computer by itself does not go to make the lesson to be better, but yes, the education methodology that the professor will go to use in classroom with its pupils. If the professor will be creative, it can use the Internet, for example, to motivate its pupils.
Innumerable educative sites exist that the professor can lead for classroom and have a very good income with its pupils. Between the professors, the dissemination of computers, digital Internet, cellular, cameras, broad band and a infinity of engenhocas of modernity provokes varied reactions. For being relatively new, the relation between the technology and the school are sufficiently confused and conflituosa. But, when if it must to use the technology in classroom? Well, if she only must take the technology for the classroom, if it will be the service of the contents.