The wise man knows himself, not boasts loves himself but, not praise. It prefers what is inside what is outside. Maxims from the Tao Te King not surprising that in our transit through this life, we will have found with many beings that unfortunately remain anchored in what vainglory encloses and its effects gradually feel in human interrelations, where there will be many who do not accept those who are identified and made excessive use of their vanity, boasting, presumption, hubris, envanecimiento, showboating, petulance, haughtiness. Probably once we experienced and detected what it represents. We do not doubt that many have appreciated better to those who show humility, modesty, simplicity. The truth, to seize the opportunity of life that is given to us, we should in every action know to use the granted time, being attentive, awake in all that which helps us to grow, to develop as a person, and more, when we identify with our own growth spiritual Horacio Bojorge gives us in this regard, that boasts it is disordered desire for prestige, fame, applause or the admiration of others, or simply the approval, or at least the acceptance of others. The virtue of modesty is opposed to it.
The modest does not seek their own glory or wants to impose on others. Adds that the quest for fame (vainglory) that promote our culture, induces pride: Fame, applause, ranking, primera plana, figuration, poster, records, contests, awards, competitions. This exaltation of the name itself, is the superb loop. Many are attracted to and fills them with satisfaction be appointed and recognized: in his environment, his class, his club, in the newspaper, radio or TV. end up working and living for that. Sergio Miguel Martin tells us in this regard, that a long time ago there were men who decided to depart into the wilderness to find with themselves, with God, to transcend.