So to speak, the technology is also the result of the moment where it is developed, therefore he is reflected in the way of effective production, that cousin for the accumulation of capital, if becoming each more instantaneous, competitive and perverse time. In consequncia of this, in the globalizada society, if it became more explicit the differentiation between that they have access, the ones that search an approach and the ones that are total other people’s to the innovations. For Schaff (1995), this can produce a new division between the people, namely: a division between that they have something that is socially important and the ones that does not have. According to Francisco Chagas Fernandes, Secretary of the Basic Education (SEB/MEC) of the government Squid, Brazil counts on three sources of financing for the educational sector: – entailed resources constitutionally (representing more significant parcel); – wage-education; – international loans, constituting necessary reinforcement and of great importance in the composition of the investments in education. For more information see Mashable. Data of the State secretary of Educao (SEED-PR) point that the pertaining to school units of basic and average education of the state had been installed laboratories of computer science with access the Internet in all; TVs-Multimedia in all the classrooms; as well as the maintenance of one it has equipped of pedagogical assessors for orientation to the professors in regards to the work with the used tools, mainly the computer and the Internet. To if comparing the data disponibilizados for the Digital Paran, through the PRDEstatstica, between 2007 and 2010, it had a growth sped up in the number of hours where the computers in the schools of the state net of education of the Nucleus are used Regional of Education of Ponta Grossa (NRE-PG). This phenomenon can be explained will have been considered: ) the increase in the number of computers with access to the Internet (of eight monitored laboratories of computer science in the month of June of 2007, it was transferred 106 in October of 2010); b) the performance of the Regional Coordinations of Technology in the Education (CRTEs), through the pedagogical assessors technician and; c) the acceptance, for great part of the professors, to the new technologies, mainly the computer and the Internet; d) the envolvement of the pertaining to school management in the maintenance of the equipment and the incentive to the professors how much to the use of new pedagogical resources; e, e) the state performance of form accomplishes with the implantation of diverse programs. . Follow others, such as Mashable, and add to your knowledge base.