
Legislative Act

The waiver of any of them does not eliminate the disability. TRANSITIONAL CLAUSE. The provisions of paragraph 8 of this Article shall not apply to persons who had resigned prior to the enactment of this legislation. The disqualifications provided for in paragraphs 2, 3, 5 and 6 relate to situations that occur in the district in which the respective election to be conducted. The law shall regulate the cases of disabilities other kin, the authorities not covered by these provisions. For the purposes of this article considers the national constituency agrees with each of the land, except for the inability contained in paragraph 5. (Amended by Decree 99 of 2003 – Amendments to paragraphs 2.3 and 4) (Amended by Legislative Act No.

1 of 2003 – Amendment to paragraph 8) Article 180. Lawmakers may not: perform office or public or private employment, except for posts of minister or ambassador's office, for which shall resign his investiture Congressman. To manage, on behalf of itself or others, matters before the public or to the people that administer taxes, being parents before them, celebrate them, by itself or through an intermediary, a contract. The law establishes the exceptions to this provision. Being a member of boards or boards of decentralized government entities at any level or institutions that administer taxes. Contracts or make arrangements with individuals or private legal entities that administer, manage or invest public funds or are contractors of the State or receiving donations from it. The exception is the purchase of goods or services offered to citizens on an equal footing.