Origin and historical development In the early 1920s appeared in the United States, catalog sales, driven by larger enterprises. This selling system, revolutionary for its time, is a catalog of photos illustrating the products to sell. This is used to better reach people, because there is no need of having to attract customers to the premises of sale. This allowed the stores to reach customers in rural areas have, that by the time this method was developed there was a large mass of people affected to the field. Moreover, another important point to note is that prospective buyers can choose the products in the comfort of their homes without the assistance or pressure, as the case of a seller. The catalog sales took further momentum with the advent of cr cards in addition to determining a relationship of greater anonymity between you and the seller.In the early 1970s, saw the first commercial relations using a computer to transmit data such as purchase orders and invoices. This kind of exchange of information, although not standardized, brought with it improvements in manufacturing processes in the private sphere, between firms within the same sector. In mid 1980, with the help of television, a new form of mail-order, also called direct sales. Thus, the products are shown with more realism, and the dynamics that can be displayed by highlighting its features. Direct selling is concrete and usually by phone with cr card payments. In 1995 members of the G7/G8 countries initiative created a global marketplace for SMEs, in order to accelerate the use of electronic commerce between companies around the world during which he created the Spanish language portal pioneer in Global Electronic Commerce.In the late 1990s, trade through the Internet has grown significantly. Emerged in Spain in 2008 the first print publication dedicated exclusively to electronic commerce and online businesses, the magazine Ecommretail (www.ecommretail.com) appears in its first issue with an extensive interview to the club Privalia sales in its second issue deals Atrapalo.com portal homepage.