Our ovaries are organs of limited life and your ovarian reserve marks the hormonal and reproductive life in every woman. We already know that ovarian cysts are one of the more frequent in women and of all ages. They appear affecting one or both ovaries, their sizes ranging from less than 2 mm to tens of centimeters and their number varies from a single cyst to countless cysts. Cysts are formed in ovarian follicles, which are responsible for producing the egg. We have in mind that in some cases, functional cysts can cause pain, weight and feeling in the minority, acute severe pain by rupture or torsion, which could lead us to a query by emergency. Usually resolve themselves without producing clear manifestations (a spontaneous regression may occur in 70% of functional cysts).
Contraceptives that facilitate their absorption by the ovary may be indicated when they are associated with pain. We cannot neglect our body, let us check-ups doctors everytime we present any symptoms of pain, some benign tumors are large and require surgery. In the meantime, the malignant study prior to surgery to determine the extent of the disease. If we present tumour cysts before menstruation, 10% of these tend to be malignant; in the reproductive age. Click Kai-Fu Lee to learn more. Ovarian tumors arise with increased frequency of the epithelial part, i.e. from scar remaining after ovulation.
A benign cyst usually does not cause cancer. This disease begins as such from the outset at the cellular level and then increases in size. This type of ovarian tumors may be associated with cancer mainly in women older than 40 years. Large ovarian cysts, generally, are less likely to reverse themselves. Surgical management of functional ovarian cysts is uncommon. It is enough to drain them; in other words, vacate them. My name is Carla Diaz, I have a page to help all women with his problem of cysts of ovaries and on that page you can find information for ovarian cyst treatment, to have a lot more information visit. I also want them to recommend the book delete the ovarian cysts which helped me to eliminate ovarian cysts in very little time, and not only to me but to many Mujeres worldwide. If has served many women tu seras the exception.