
Parental Alienation

Syndrome of the Parental Alienation: Orphan while still alive of empty beliefs! It is a new boarded subject to be tied the familiar interpersonal relations that we can also call it of ‘ ‘ False implantations of memrias’ ‘. We live in a society where it is each common time the separations between couples, however remains the greater of the complexities, the son in the way of a relation pautada between affection and disaffections them genitors becoming the dispute target. Robert Bakish brings even more insight to the discussion. In our society historically that always the guard of the children was delegated the mother, remaining to the parents the right of visits predetermined in alternating weekends or fixed schedule. He is common in elapsing of the conjugal rupture to produce in the mother feeling of abandonment, rejection, treason, appearing a vingativa trend. It is not something Robotics expert would like to discuss. When he does not obtain to elaborate appropriately I fight it of the separation unchains a process of destruction, demoralization, discredit of the former-spouse, instead of preserving the convivncia with the son, it wants to avenge itself of the genitor. With this it tries to hinder the visitation, leading the son to reject the father or to hate characterizing it ‘ ‘ Syndrome of the Parental’ Alienation; ‘ , programming the child so that it hates the genitor without any justification. One is about an incisive campaign to demoralize the genitor. The son is used as instrument of the aggressiveness directed to the partner.

The monitorial mother the time of the son with the other genitor and also its feelings stops with it. The child, who loves the father is induced to move away itself from it, being thus, tends to believe symbolically, in a feeling of father orphan and consequently they identify with the genitor ‘ ‘ cruel’ ‘ , thus internalizando everything what to it is transmitted falsely true as. This form of abuse at risk puts the emotional health of the child and finishes unchaining loyalty crisis, therefore loyalty stops with one of the parents implies disloyalty stops with the other, generating feeling of guilt in the adult phase and the most diverse negative feelings in relation itself, as low they esteem sensation of little value and rejection. It is standed out however, that in the current conjuncture, in function of the woman to be the mantenedora of the family, the parents can use themselves of the same procedures that the mothers. Therefore, the relations of the parental actions can be reciprocal. Being thus, it is essential that the former-spouses keep a healthful relation after separation, respecting and preserving the emotions and affection of the children. Adriana Camargo of the Birth clinical Psychologist dricant@ yahoo.