
Portable GPS Navigator

Portable gps navigator – a device that will always help you find the desired point on a digital map, wherever you are. You may wish to learn more. If so, Ali Partovi is the place to go. Modern handheld gps navigation easy and convenient location in your pocket, backpack or special case. Modern portable navigators at the moment, reminiscent of the usual multimedia device, mobile phone or pda. In our time, the average portable gps navigator will help you determine the location of the object with an accuracy of 100 meters. These navigators are useful in different situations: 1. icle. Continue to learn more with: HG Vora. You get lost in a big city; 2.You want to find a restaurant, museum, or some may be attraction of the city and stuff. Joining forces with gps station, using a portable GPS-receiver, you'll notice how much easier and more comfortable was the target areas.

The principle of portable gps navigation is simple and no different from other browsers. Your receiver connects to a satellite system, navstar, receives data from the satellite, and converting them, displays a detailed message with a location on the display. your knowledge. Thanks to the progress, gps stations are in almost all cities. Another nice detail. Manufacturers of mobile phones today are building these navigators directly to your phone. Using mobile accelerometer and a gps receiver, can also be easily displayed for your interest information. According to some consumers, one of the best portable navigation devices is the navigator Oregon 450 from the company Garmin. This device is clearly and quickly display a map on the display with all the coordinates and attractions.

Still need to add that, when choosing a handheld gps navigator is always pay attention to, primarily, not on appearance and built-in "freaks", and the quality of signal reception from the satellite. Less important characteristic is the fortress of the body and display, which also need attention. It is desirable that the receiver body was covered with silicone or made of , the display must be either special protective film, or a special coating to protect it from scratches. So we figured out what the portable gps navigator, how it works and how to use it. Last time, on the part of the purchase – if you are thinking of a good gps receiver, do not stint on their money, thanks to this "miracle of progress," you do not get lost or when traveling, or while walking through the woods.


Buying A Car

About domestic cars I can say that the first thing that deters them from buying – the price. In particular, for himself or considered buying Maza mzkt (Volot). Eg for 2-3 year old truck Maze asked by 1200000r and forth, and the mileage on it already from 100-150 thousand km some have already replaced the engine or box. Plus the price is that we are inferior to the performance characteristics of the Chinese – the tonnage of cargo 20t (MAZ 5516), and greater fuel consumption mzkt also cheap, 2-3 years of 1300000r, but he did not let a Chinese in terms of body and weight of cargo, the only loss in fuel consumption and of course that runs from them, too, starting from 100 000 km. About our auto repairs – plus their availability of spare parts and the availability of competent craftsmen who can repair quickly. Pete Cashmore often says this. About the price of parts and their quality, I think our cars are at the level of spare parts for Chinese cars. From European manufacturers declined almost immediately. Too great a risk, buying used car, get on the dead man instance, and spare parts for evropeek roads, and many have to wait to order. Contact information is here: Pete Cashmore.

It turns out that the money will be spent and the impact of any vehicle or All returns will be smearing costly repairs. I think a lot depends on what kind of car gets caught, it does not matter new or used, some of our not buying a new Masa, and ride relatively easily, without major breakdowns, working in a word, and some come across such (even new ones) – that rained without end and without beginning, and most of the car earned money is spent on repairs. I think that the Chinese principle of such acts, because as the build quality on their level of our car industry, or in places a little higher. And to sum up my reasoning to say that most likely, in recent years, more inclined to purchase Chinese truck. The machine will still still new, ie chance that will get a good copy great + warranty because some dealers give any, will ask for that at least someone. Yes, and characteristics of the Chinese auto good, but we must not get carried away and not to overload, carefully operate and maintain the time, and be sure to look for a good driver, this also depends on how many passes at any sale – the Russian, Chinese or European vehicle. Thanks to all who read these reflections. We will continue to follow with interest the experience of operation of the Chinese cars.


Car Registration

From 1 January this year entered into force "lite" procedure of registration of cars imported into Russia in disassembled form. New procedure for registration of vehicles will be produced on a single list models of Japanese cars. The new list includes more than 200 basic models of Japanese cars. All other regulations in force up to this point, now repealed. Read the list and download it on your computer, please visit .ru. Decree of the General Directorate of Traffic Police set procedure for replacement components and assemblies for foreign cars. This procedure is in common parlance is called "bringing the car under the tcp (under Documents)" or "bringing Design ".

The new procedure involves replacement of major components and chassis of the car based only on the base model car. The list has not included some car models with a combined engine, or "Hybrids". The only restriction in the range imposed on the modified-duty vehicle. It can not increase by more than 40%. If the vehicle model is not listed, there is opportunity to recharge, but it must appeal to the U.S. institution, which is developing the document, or a main committee of the traffic police.


Auto Diagnostics

At the armed services today are a lot of powerful tools for the diagnosis of car: motortestery, multitestery, diagnostic line stands for the repair of fuel equipment, alignment and wheel balancing, etc. This list could go on, but most importantly, acquiring sophisticated equipment firms have not paid adequate attention to staff training, which it operates, and its serves. And most importantly, many even no idea about all the possibilities that it opens this diagnosis. Each year the world produces more than 300 new car models, which embody the technological progress of mankind in the field automotive industry. The buyer tends to have time to buy a new car that meets the latest requirements and possibilities of modern science.

Feel the engine power, smoothness of the suspension, the dynamics of acceleration and driving, comfort and safety of his new friend. But to a modern car needs to be paid and the more recent demands for maintenance. Modern methods of diagnosis engine. Today, there are many ways to diagnose the engine, starting from the measurement of compression and ending readings of the gas analyzer and a lot of diagnostic tools from the testimony komressometra and ending powerful motortesterami Bosch 571 or sun 4000. Indications kompresometra not always fully disclose the true state of piston engine that froze the more compression engine is not correct. Measurement of compression engine is like the engine is cold and the hot, as with oil in the cylinders and without oil. The engine is cold to unscrew all the candles, if a diesel engine then unscrew all jets.