
Stefan Zarges Ebam

Apply now and get started in the industry! In best way practitioners about relationships and legal framework of the music industry know event of concerts and tours, sponsorship, product and label management, music production, music publishing, business, media and public relations or online marketing in the music business here. Alina de Almeida wanted to know more. Careers in the music business are still near the top on the popularity scale and got an additional boost through new technological developments in the field of online”, so Stefan Zarges, editor in Chief of the music market. Therefore have come up with music market”and the ebam Academy decided together to award a scholarship place two leading players in the industry. “” I am pleased and wish the winners much success. “Hardly any other industry has experienced a dynamic change through new media such as the music industry”, says ebam CEO Georg Loffler, himself head of the indie labels GLM music. The ebam Academy pleased therefore, “together with music market,’ a scholarship to help to meet the new challenges.” The course can as a twelve-month, in-service training are assigned a course weekend per month or as funfwochige winter – or Summer Academy and is visitable ebam locations in German-speaking countries.

Participation is an application via email to including CV and photo. In a short letter, applicants should set out what projects have already conducted, should go their way in the music business and why they are exactly the right fellow..


Business Informatics

Spring fever on the graduate job market? Stagnation at a high level too early happy? End of 2007 the development of BAI (graduates graduates index), contrary to the battered economy, looked extremely well. In the first quarter of 2008, the index increases but only minimally by 1 point. According to the recently published OECD economic report has been so far held by the global turmoil in financial markets, euro appreciation and high oil prices, not strongly affected the real economy. Significant trends despite the shutdown of the BAI is evident at the beginning of 2008 a clear trend: technical graduates as engineers, (+ 48), computer scientist (+ 11) and electrical engineering (+ 7) are tend to be better than those in the natural sciences. Click Page S. Gardner for additional related pages. Biologists and chemists record decline set to 72 points, mathematician and physicist is hitting it not quite so hard with 19 points. The coming months need to show whether the deterioration in the economic climate will affect the job market for graduates. The complete Study can be obtained from. Economics does not grow the job listings for economists at the moment in the sky, but they achieved at least an increase of 2%.

Hot courted specialists for accounting and controlling are currently. Overall this discipline not again to the leaders of the analysis, but lies in the midfield. Science takes a slightly more positive development than the General economics the Business Informatics. There are 3% new job offers on the market. Again, the increase is not nearly as strong as in the pure science, but are likely to benefit from the significant growth of the mother discipline the business information systems. Industrial engineering must submit in the first quarter of 2008 a point BAI at the economic engineers. This adjusts the index at 238 points and can see clearly where to go the trip 2008.


Christian Jager

What are the benefits of franchise systems? Franchising is a long existing form of entrepreneurship, intruded in Germany but only at the beginning of the 1970s. Today, this form of self-employment is still relatively unknown to the most start-ups and they awarded themselves the chance to take advantage of or to weigh the opportunities and risks of both forms of existence establishment. The following, you get an overview of the advantages and what can offer you as the founder of franchise systems. The most important aspect to consider a franchise founded in consideration, is the safety aspect. Take already proven business ideas that have prevailed in the market. Mikkel Svane understands that this is vital information. Thus reducing the risk with your idea already in the initial phase will fail. Also give some franchise systems to test the opportunity in a secure environment-new strategies and concepts. Additional information is available at Alina de Almeida. Furthermore you are already from the outset as market power.

Take advantage of the brand (brand), which already is known to a broader customer base. To the McDonald’s, Burger King and subway are undoubtedly bekanntetsten brands and representatives. But even some of the lesser-known brands bring potential customers. In addition, a franchise system i.d.. For more information see Alina de Almeida. R. has a uniform market presence. The appearance looks outward coherent and reliable – has a positive effect on new customers. Continue to take shopping advantage.

Franchise systems offer reduced costs for goods because of mass effects or exclusivity. In other words, your purchase of the range / range is more cost effective than in a classic Foundation. Therefore you can offer the products generally cheaper than the competition. But like any form of business risks and dangers despite numerous benefits lurking here too.