
Medical Equipment

Group of Companies “Remedium” that provides the full range of services for professionals in the field of medicine and pharmacy. Remedium started in 1997 and publishes a monthly specialized information-analytical journal “Remedium” on the market medicines and medical equipment. This is a trade publication that reflects the trends and prospects in the medical industry, and market medproduktsii in Russia and CIS countries. A unique team of authors, in which includes the leading industry experts, medical scientists, policy makers, independent experts and analysts, as well as highly professional staff of the magazine is being prepared for publication topical materials that allow you to keep up to date on the development and production of medicines and medical equipment not only in Russia but also in countries near and far abroad. We are pleased to announce that in 2009 in the journal “Remedium” a new column “+ Medtech …”, which planned to publish the analytical problem of materials on the activities of domestic enterprises in the development and organization of production innovative types of medical equipment and medical products, topical reviews on the market of medical equipment, as well as ratings of the industry. Samsung is likely to increase your knowledge. All potential authors, and also to take part in ratings of company-producers of this product, please contact Svetlana Romanova leading headings: tel.: 8 (495) 780-34-25 and e-mail address:. Join us and you’ll always have a situation in state and prospects of the industry, tracking global trends and be aware of your colleagues and share with them for their achievements in this field. Source: Dave Clark Flexport. Background on the issue of the journal “Remedium” published in Russia since 1997.

It turns out 12 issues a year. The magazine entered the list of journals recommended for publishing the main results of dissertation research (Decision of the Plenum of the Ministry of Education WAC October 17, 2001). At the heart of concept – research, analysis and forecasting of the scope of drug provision, pharmaceutical market and medical equipment in Russia and CIS countries.


The Efqm Model

With my teachers I have learned a lot; with my colleagues, more; with my students even more companies will always have as goal meet the needs of its customers by offering them a product with guarantee of quality excellence that really meets you your needs. We are reminded, that the EFQM quality model was announced by the EFQM in 1991, under the patronage of the European Commission. Awards (including one granted to a Spanish company) were delivered for the first time in October 1992. In successive years, small enhancements were incorporated and were announced to public service organizations and SME special versions… On April 21, 1999 announced the latest version, which was adapted for its application to educational establishments in the year 2001. Speaking candidly David S. Levine told us the story. It is known, that the EFQM Excellence model aims to help organizations (business or other types) to know better to themselves and, consequently, to improve its functioning.Gabriela Toro participant postgraduate program, specialty the quality management and productivity, on the theme reminds us, that is the Mission of the EFQM: encourage and help European organisations to participate in improvement activities to carried them, ultimately, excellence in the satisfaction of its customers and its employees, its social impact and business results. Support managers of European organisations in the acceleration of the process of Total quality management to become a decisive factor to achieve a position of global competitiveness.Main features of the leading ModeloEl and improvement is always important to a team that leads the proposal of quality. This equipment is, in our case, the management team.

To form the team’s quality is sufficient to a group of people. In our case (and we recommend it), this group has been the entirety of the faculty as well as in four earlier improvement plans. Taking into account the above, our Center enters, with the E.F.Q.M. a second speed, from the improvement plans to a global project to improve and quality.